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City of Culture Initiative

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 15 January 2019

Tuesday, 15 January 2019

Questions (1225)

Catherine Connolly


1225. Deputy Catherine Connolly asked the Minister for Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht the number and positions of vacancies among the staff and board of Galway 2020; when it is expected that the positions will be filled; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [1750/19]

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Having regard to the vacancies among the staff, Galway 2020 is currently advertising for an Irish Language Communications Officer, with a closing date for applications of 18 January. It is hoped that an appointment will be made soon after.

Furthermore, the process to fill the cultural leadership vacancy is at an advanced stage and it is expected that Galway 2020 will be in a position to make a formal announcement on the matter in the very near future.

Having regard to vacancies on the Board, on 21 December last, the Chair of Galway 2020, Ms Aideen McGinley, notified the Board of her intention to step down as Chair. Ms McGinley will remain in the position until a new appointment is made and will continue to actively support the project as a strategic advisor to the Board. The Board of Galway 2020 is currently considering the needs of the project and the best qualified candidates to drive the delivery phase of the project. The Board held its first meeting of the year last Friday and I understand that the role of the Chair was discussed at the meeting.

The Board currently comprises 16 members, including the role of Chair. Board members are drawn from a wide variety of expertise at international, European and local level. The membership includes three new members who joined the Board at the end of 2018 and attended their first meeting last week.

The new members are:

- Andrew Lappin, a leading film and theatre producer with over 30 years’ experience in the industry;

- Finbarr Bradly, a fluent Irish speaker, who is an author and former professor of finance at DCU, currently teaching at UCD Smurfit Business School; and,

- Ivonka Kwiek, an anthropologist and culture manager, living and working in Galway.

With the three new additions to the Board, it is considered that there is an adequate number of members and range of skills on the Board at this time.
