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DEIS Eligibility

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 15 January 2019

Tuesday, 15 January 2019

Questions (296)

Pat the Cope Gallagher


296. Deputy Pat The Cope Gallagher asked the Minister for Education and Skills the procedure for awarding DEIS status in both primary and secondary schools; the way in which certain schools fail to qualify for DEIS status in cases in which all surrounding schools in the same catchment area qualify in view of the fact that the same socio-economic criteria apply to the same catchment area; if his attention has been drawn to the fact that there are anomalies in the past two rounds of DEIS status applications; if his attention has been drawn to the fact that action on same was not taken; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [54086/18]

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As the Deputy is aware, following an extensive review of DEIS and the publication of the DEIS Review Report and DEIS Plan 2017, my Department has introduced an objective, statistics based model for assessing which schools merit inclusion in the DEIS Programme, so that all stakeholders can have confidence that we are targeting extra resources at those schools with the highest levels of concentrated disadvantage. The process is the same for both primary and post primary and there is no application process.

The key data sources used in the renewed DEIS identification process are the DES Primary Online Database (POD) and Post-Primary Online (PPOD) Databases, and CSO data from the National Census of Population as represented in the Pobal HP Index for Small Areas which is a method of measuring the relative affluence or disadvantage of a particular geographical area. Variables used in the compilation of the HP Index include those related to demographic growth, dependency ratios, education levels, overcrowding, social class, single parent rate, occupation and unemployment rates. This data is combined with pupil data, anonymised and aggregated to small area, to provide information on the relative level of concentrated disadvantage present in the pupil cohort of individual schools. This data was applied uniformly to all schools in the country in a fair and objective way, to identify the relative level of concentrated disadvantage present in each school. A detailed document explaining the methodology used in the Identification process under DEIS plan 2017 is available on the Department’s website at

Following an initial application of this new methodology, 79 new schools were brought into the DEIS programme in 2017 with a further 30 being upgraded from Band 2 to Band 1 status. These schools were assessed as having the highest levels of concentrated disadvantage.

The schools in DEIS since 2006 were identified using different means. At primary level there was a survey of school Principals using the following socio-economic variables: %unemployment; %local authority accommodation; %lone parenthood; %travellers; %large families (more than 5 children); %pupils eligible for free books. At post primary level a combination of data from the Departments pupil database including school level retention rates together with exam achievement data and exam fee waiver data, which indicated that students had medical cards was used.

DEIS Plan 2017 states that the improved data on the socio-demographic of schools resulting from the new identification model will have an impact not only on the assessment of schools for inclusion in the programme but also on the scaling of resources to allow for more graduated levels of support. This in turn allows for the ultimate objective of allocating resources to best meet the identified need of individual schools.

In order to achieve this, the current identification model needs to be as accurate as possible and this will be facilitated by the use of Eircode to ensure correct inputting of addresses. Further analysis is also required to examine other variables known to be strong predictors of educational disadvantage in the context of resource allocation. Therefore, in order to ensure the quality of the address data and conduct further analysis, it is not intended to extend the DEIS programme to any further schools until this work is complete.
