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Misuse of Drugs

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 15 January 2019

Tuesday, 15 January 2019

Questions (443)

Bernard Durkan


443. Deputy Bernard J. Durkan asked the Minister for Justice and Equality the number of stop and searches under misuse of drugs legislation in 2018 across each of the three policing districts located within a division (details supplied); the way in which this compares with each of the previous five years; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [1142/19]

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Written answers

I have requested a report from the Garda Commissioner in relation to the information sought by the Deputy. I will reply further to the Deputy when this report is to hand.

The following deferred reply was received under Standing Order 42A
I refer to Parliamentary Question No. 443 of 15 January 2019. In my reply at the time, I stated that I had requested a report from the Garda Commissioner in relation to the matter and would reply to the Deputy further when this report was to hand. I have now received the information requested from the Garda authorities. The figures provided which are set out in the following table indicate a 43% increase in the number of searches carried out in 2018 compared to 2017. The Garda authorities attribute this to the increased levels of personnel allocated to the Division in 2018. They also attribute the increase to the ongoing focus by Garda management and staff to addressing the drugs supply in the area.
The Deputy may be aware that a dedicated Drugs Unit exists in each Division in the DMR, specifically tasked with and focused on combatting the illegal sale and supply of drugs. In addition, there are a number of Operations ongoing in the DMR which are proving successful in disrupting individuals and gangs involved in the illegal drugs trade. Operation Hybrid has been ongoing since 2016 and is focused on disrupting the activities of organised crime gangs.
There are also a number of policing operations implemented at seasonal times of the year, applying appropriate and proportionate response from An Garda Síochána to deal with anticipated anti-social behaviour and public order offences, including, Operation Thor, Operation Thistle, Operation Pier and Operation Spire.
In addition to the above operations and initiatives, the DMR regularly engage in “days of Action” in every Division during which specific locations are selected and suspects are the subject of searches, arrests, etc. Assistance is also provided in combatting the drug situation, from the work of the Garda National Drugs and Organised Crime Bureau GNDOCB, who have enjoyed considerable success in the form of significant seizures and arrests in the DMR.




2014 % change

2015 % change

2016 % change

2017 % change

2018 % change

Bridewell, Co.Dublin



1,609 -56%

1,978 23%

698 -65%

539 -23%

1,491 177%

Fitzgibbon Street



1,202 -19%

5,223 335%

2,037 -61%

1,291 -37%

2,077 61%

Store Street



13,498 35%

9,558 -29%

2,668 -72%

4,868 82%

6,016 24%


69, 908


16,309 8%

16,759 3%

5,403 -68%

6,698 24%

9,584 43%
