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Dormant Accounts Fund Grants

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 15 January 2019

Tuesday, 15 January 2019

Questions (619)

Eamon Scanlon


619. Deputy Eamon Scanlon asked the Minister for Health if an organisation (details supplied) will be considered for future funding under the dormant accounts fund; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [54362/18]

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The overall administration of the Dormant Accounts fund is a matter for the Minister for Rural and Community Development.

With regard to how individual measures are funded, Ministers put forward proposed measures for inclusion in annual action plans. The final annual action plan then details the measures to be funded from the dormant accounts fund. It is then a matter for each relevant Department to deliver these measures, as for any other voted expenditure.

The most recent annual action plan was published in July 2018 and is available on that Department's website, while preparation of the next action plan is a matter for the Minister for Rural and Community Development. Funding for any purpose must be detailed and approved within an annual action plan.

My Department received approval for a number of initiatives in 2018, including four which will delivered nationally by HSE Disability Services.
