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Tuesday, 15 Jan 2019

Written Answers Nos. 1222-1235

National Orchestras

Questions (1222)

Willie Penrose


1222. Deputy Willie Penrose asked the Minister for Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht if the oversight group and working group that have been established to address issues in the transfer of the National Symphony Orchestra from the remit of RTÉ to the remit of the National Concert Hall have orchestra musicians and workers represented in both groups; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [1570/19]

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The overall aim of the Government decision in relation to the proposed transfer of the RTÉ National Symphony Orchestra (NSO) is to enable the orchestra to be established as a world class orchestra which would, with the NCH, provide a creative and imaginative programme strategy that would greatly enhance the offering of the combined organisation to the public.

An Oversight Group and Working Group have been established with formal terms of reference, with a view to identifying and addressing the relevant issues to be addressed to enable the successful transfer of the NSO from the remit of RTÉ to the remit of the NCH.

The terms of reference of the Oversight Group provide that the Group will be chaired by the Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht and will be made up of representatives from:

- Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht

- Department of Communications, Climate Action and Environment


- National Concert Hall

The terms of reference of the Working Group provide that the membership of the Group may vary depending on the nature of the issue being discussed and that the Working Group will report to the Oversight Group.

The Oversight Group has already met on a number of occasions and has agreed that it is very important that there should be a proper communication process between the Oversight and Working Group and representatives, members and support staff of the NSO to ensure that the orchestra is informed on a timely basis about all aspects of the proposed transfer process. In this regard, it is intended that a meeting will be arranged shortly between the Working Group and Union representatives of the NSO.

Culture Ireland Grant Scheme

Questions (1223)

Robert Troy


1223. Deputy Robert Troy asked the Minister for Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht the funding streams available to assist professional photographers who travel to war-torn countries and so on to document the scenes and provide exhibitions of their work; and her plans to introduce such a scheme if none are available at present. [1701/19]

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Culture Ireland offers support to Irish professional artists, arts organisations and international presenters to present work by Irish artists at significant international venues and festivals. Culture Ireland considers applications for all forms of the arts, including photography, as defined in the Arts Act 2003:

“arts means any creative or interpretative expression (whether traditional or contemporary) in whatever form, and includes, in particular, visual arts, theatre, literature, music, dance, opera, film, circus and architecture, and includes any medium when used for those purposes”.

Only international events are supported (i.e. outside the island of Ireland), the event / exhibition must be accessible to an open public audience and fees must be payable to the artist or arts organisation.

Applications deemed eligible are firstly assessed on the artistic quality of work which could be defined as work that is ambitious, excellent and original, connects to audiences and has been presented nationally to critical acclaim. The assessment of the artistic quality of the proposed work is made using knowledge, experience and specialist advice. Other criteria for assessment include the track record of the artist or arts organisation; the financial and operational viability of the event and proven capacity of the applicant, artist or arts organisation to present work internationally; the profile of the international venue/festival and the wider promotional and the media impact anticipated.

In supporting an event, Culture Ireland offers grant funding towards costs which relate to the international presentation of the event (costs such as transport, accommodation and subsistence) rather than the creation of the art work. As such photographers can apply for Culture Ireland support in relation to the presentation of their work to international audiences, subject to other eligibility criteria. However, due to the competitive nature of each grant round and limited funding, eligibility and compliance with criteria for assessment alone do not guarantee that an applicant will receive grant funding.

Scéimeanna Teanga

Questions (1224)

Catherine Connolly


1224. D'fhiafraigh Deputy Catherine Connolly den Aire Cultúir, Oidhreachta agus Gaeltachta an méid scéimeanna teangacha atá á chur i bhfeidhm sa Ghaeltacht faoi láthair; an caiteachas a bheidh i gceist leis na scéimeanna teanga i mbliana; and méid atá ceadaithe do gach scéim teanga don bhliain 2019; agus an ndéanfaidh sí ráiteas ina thaobh. [1749/19]

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Written answers

Ag glacadh leis gur pleananna teanga atá i gceist ag an Teachta seachas scéimeanna teanga, tá ullmhú nó feidhmiú Pleananna Teanga idir lámha i gcás gach ceann den 26 Limistéar Pleanála Teanga (LPT) Gaeltachta atá aitheanta faoi Acht na Gaeltachta 2012. Tá pleananna ceadaithe faoin bpróiseas go dáta i leith 13 den 26 LPT eadhon:

- Cois Fharraige;

- Gaoth Dobhair, Rann na Feirste, Anagaire & Loch an Iúir;

- Cloch Chionnaola, Gort an Choirce, An Fál Carrach & Machaire Rabhartaigh;

- Na Déise;

- Múscraí;

- Ciarraí Theas;

- Dúiche Sheoigheach & Tuar Mhic Éadaigh;

- Ciarraí Thiar;

- Maigh Eo Thuaidh;

- Árainn Mhór;

- An Cheathrú Rua;

- Ráth Chairn & Baile Ghib;

- Conamara Láir.

Tá dhá phlean eile curtha faoi bhráid na Roinne agus iad á mheas faoi láthair:

- Ceantar na nOileán;

- Dún na nGall Theas.

Tá cistíocht faoi leith ar fiú €3.2m in iomlán curtha ar fáil faoi Bhuiséad 2019 ón Státchiste chun freastal a dhéanamh ar fheidhmiú rathúil an phróisis pleanála teanga, idir phleananna a ullmhú, fheidhmiú pleananna agus bhearta tacaíochta eile don phróiseas pleanála teanga i gcoitinne. Ina theannta sin, ar ndóigh, bainfear leas as an gciste ardaithe atá curtha ar fail in 2019 faoin gClár Tacaíochtaí Pobail agus Teanga atá á riar ag mo Roinn, chun tacú tuilleadh le feidhmiú rathúil an phróisis.

Bainfear leas as sciar den chistíocht seo chun go mbeidh Údarás na Gaeltachta in ann leanúint ar aghaidh ag tacú le hullmhú agus le feidhmiú pleananna teanga mar a bhaineann sé leis na ceantair Ghaeltachta uile, i gcomhréir leis na dualgais atá sannta don Údarás faoi Acht na Gaeltachta 2012.

Mar a ndéantar gach bliain scrúdófar na héilimh faoi leith a bheidh á ndéanamh go luath ag an Údarás agus ag bhForas na Gaeilge faoi seach ar chistíocht 2019 nuair a fhaightear iad.

I gcomhréir leis an socrú a rinneadh in 2017, cuirfear ciste bliantúil ar fáil do cheanneagraíochtaí pleanála teanga ar fiú idir €100,000 agus €150,000, ag brath ar chritéir cháilithe faoi leith, chun tús a chur le feidhmiú pleananna atá faofa faoin Acht.

Seo a leanas an dáileadh airgid atá i gceist don 13 limistéar a bhfuil pleananna ceadaithe ina leith go dtí seo faoin bpróiseas:


Allúntas bliantúil d’fheidhmiú Pleananna Teanga

Cois Fharraige

€ 150,000

Gaoth Dobhair, Rann na Feirste, Anagaire & Loch an Iúir

€ 140,000 Bliain 1, €150,000 Bliain 2 ar aghaidh

Cloich Chionnaola, Gort an Choirce, An Fál Carrach agus Machaire Rabhairtaigh

€ 100,000

Ciarraí Thiar

€ 150,000

Ciarraí Theas

€ 100,000

Na Déise

€ 100,000

Árainn Mhór

€ 100,000


€ 100,000

Dúiche Sheoigheach & Tuar Mhic Éadaigh

€ 100,000

Maigh Eo Thuaidh

€ 100,000

An Cheathrú Rua

€ 100,000

Ráth Chairn & Baile Ghib

€ 100,000

Conamara Láir

€ 150,000


€ 1,490,000

Ní call a rá go leanfar ag faire amach i gcaitheamh an ama ar na bealaí is fearr chun an ciste suntasach airgid atá sannta don phróiseas a chur chun fónaimh ar an gcaoi is éifeachtaí is féidir.

City of Culture Initiative

Questions (1225)

Catherine Connolly


1225. Deputy Catherine Connolly asked the Minister for Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht the number and positions of vacancies among the staff and board of Galway 2020; when it is expected that the positions will be filled; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [1750/19]

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Having regard to the vacancies among the staff, Galway 2020 is currently advertising for an Irish Language Communications Officer, with a closing date for applications of 18 January. It is hoped that an appointment will be made soon after.

Furthermore, the process to fill the cultural leadership vacancy is at an advanced stage and it is expected that Galway 2020 will be in a position to make a formal announcement on the matter in the very near future.

Having regard to vacancies on the Board, on 21 December last, the Chair of Galway 2020, Ms Aideen McGinley, notified the Board of her intention to step down as Chair. Ms McGinley will remain in the position until a new appointment is made and will continue to actively support the project as a strategic advisor to the Board. The Board of Galway 2020 is currently considering the needs of the project and the best qualified candidates to drive the delivery phase of the project. The Board held its first meeting of the year last Friday and I understand that the role of the Chair was discussed at the meeting.

The Board currently comprises 16 members, including the role of Chair. Board members are drawn from a wide variety of expertise at international, European and local level. The membership includes three new members who joined the Board at the end of 2018 and attended their first meeting last week.

The new members are:

- Andrew Lappin, a leading film and theatre producer with over 30 years’ experience in the industry;

- Finbarr Bradly, a fluent Irish speaker, who is an author and former professor of finance at DCU, currently teaching at UCD Smurfit Business School; and,

- Ivonka Kwiek, an anthropologist and culture manager, living and working in Galway.

With the three new additions to the Board, it is considered that there is an adequate number of members and range of skills on the Board at this time.

Waterways Ireland Funding

Questions (1226)

Brendan Smith


1226. Deputy Brendan Smith asked the Minister for Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht the specific funding allocation in 2019 towards the restoration of the Ulster Canal; the particular works that will be undertaken with this funding; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [1778/19]

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In July 2007, the North South Ministerial Council agreed to a proposal to restore a 13 km section of the Ulster Canal from Upper Lough Erne to Clones. This project is hugely important for the border region with potential to stimulate economic activity, giving a much needed boost to job creation and with the growth in water based tourism helping to attract significant numbers of visitors to the area. This is increasingly significant in the context of Brexit.

Government approval for Phase 1 of this project, to restore a 2.5 km stretch of the Ulster Canal from Upper Lough Erne in County Fermanagh to the International Scout Centre at Castle Saunderson near Belturbet in Co. Cavan, was secured in February 2015.

The works to complete this first phase have recently been concluded. A new 250 m bypass canal and new road bridge to provide navigation around the existing road bridge serving Derrykerrib Island, which had insufficient head height for navigation, have now been constructed. Waterways Ireland continues to work with Cavan County Council to develop recreational amenities at Castle Saunderson including public moorings.

Waterways Ireland anticipates expenditure of c. €154,000 in 2019 to complete payment for works at Derrykerrib and for construction works for Castle Saunderson public moorings.

In May 2018, this Government approved Phase 2, the development of a 13 km section of the Ulster Canal from Upper Lough Erne to Clones as a water sports and leisure amenity, and re-committed to developing this cross-border stretch under the Project Ireland 2040 plan, in the category of Investing in our Culture, Language and Heritage.

An application has been submitted by Waterways Ireland and partners Monaghan County Council, Cavan County Council and Fermanagh and Omagh District Council to the Department of Rural and Community Development for further funding under the Rural Regeneration and Development Fund for this second phase of development.

Waterways Ireland is also continuing work with partners Monaghan County Council, Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council, East Border Region Ltd. and Mid Ulster District Council to develop 22 km of Ulster Canal towpath between Smithborough, Co. Monaghan and Middletown, Co. Armagh funded through successful application to the Interreg VA sustainable transport measure. The group have also completed development proposals for a Greenway strategy exploring how the Ulster Canal Greenway could form the spine of a network of off road greenways across this rural border region.

Departmental Expenditure

Questions (1227)

Dara Calleary


1227. Deputy Dara Calleary asked the Minister for Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht the current and capital funding allocation for each item (details supplied) on an annual basis over the period from 2016 to 2018, inclusive; and the funding allocations for 2019 following the completion of the 2019 Estimates in tabular form. [1783/19]

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Written answers

The information sought by the Deputy is set out in tabular form below:

2016 Expenditure

2016 Expenditure

2017 Expenditure

2017 Expenditure

2018 Expenditure

2018 Expenditure

2019 Budget

2019 Budget

Current €

Capital €

Current €

Capital €

Current €

Capital €

Current €

Capital €

An Foras Teanga Total









Údarás na Gaeltachta Total








9,700,000 [1]

Gaeltacht co-operatives and community development organisations









Comhar Naíonraí na Gaeltachta









Ealaín na Gaeltachta









Gnóthaí Óige









Tuismitheoirí na Gaeltachta









Gaeltacht Support Schemes - Community and Language Supports Programme (Current)









Gaeltacht Support Schemes -

Community and Language Supports Programme (Capital)







Tuismitheoirí na Gaeltachta










Infrastructure for islands









Current Expenditure for the islands including essential transport services









20-Year Strategy for the Irish Language/Language Planning Process Total [3]









Language Planning Process








Programmes and other projects mainly in support of the process and 20-Year Strategy









Comhar Naíonraí na Gaeltachta









Tuismitheoirí na Gaeltachta







Ealaín na Gaeltachta









Office of the Language Commissioner









Irish language Support Schemes – outside the Gaeltacht









The figures for 2018 expenditure are provisional outturn figures and will be finalised in the Department’s Appropriation Account and subject to audit by the C&AG.

[1] Figure includes a capital carryover of €700,000.

[2] Allocation of 2019 funding to be decided.

[3] Funding outlined includes direct support of the language planning process (via Údarás na Gaeltachta and Foras na Gaeilge) as well a number of measures funded directly by the Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht in support of the language planning process and, by extension, the 20-Year Strategy.

Údarás na Gaeltachta Data

Questions (1228)

Maurice Quinlivan


1228. Deputy Maurice Quinlivan asked the Minister for Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht the estimated average cost of one job created or supported by Údarás na Gaeltachta; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [1793/19]

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Written answers

I have been informed by Údarás na Gaeltachta that the grant cost per job for 2017 was €5,500 and that the average cost per job over the past five years was €5,084. The cost per job reflects grant payments towards capital, employment, research and development and specific training paid to client companies but excludes FIFG (Financial Instrument for Fisheries Guidance) and Research/Development/Innovation funding.

The figure in respect of 2018 is not available at present.

Údarás na Gaeltachta Data

Questions (1229)

Maurice Quinlivan


1229. Deputy Maurice Quinlivan asked the Minister for Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht the number of jobs supported by Údarás na Gaeltachta in 2017 and 2018; the number of new jobs created in 2017 and 2018; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [1794/19]

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Written answers

The information requested by the Deputy in respect of 2017 is outlined in tabular format. I understand from Údarás na Gaeltachta that the information in respect of the year ending 31 December 2018 is not yet to hand but will be available shortly.


Full-time jobs supported

Part- time jobs supported

Total jobs supported @ 31/12/2017

Number of full-time jobs created in 2017






Departmental Funding

Questions (1230, 1231)

Maurice Quinlivan


1230. Deputy Maurice Quinlivan asked the Minister for Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht the amount in grants awarded to businesses in 2017 and 2018; the average grant given; the number of businesses that received grants in 2017 and 2018; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [1795/19]

View answer

Maurice Quinlivan


1231. Deputy Maurice Quinlivan asked the Minister for Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht the businesses that received grants in excess of €100,000 in 2018; the location of the company; the grant amount awarded, in tabular form; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [1796/19]

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Written answers

I propose to take Questions Nos. 1230 and 1231 together.

As the Deputy will appreciate my Department operates a wide range of funding schemes across all areas of the Departments' remit.

In view of this and because of the wide range of my Department’s schemes and programmes, and the large volumes of payments and grants involved, it is not possible to provide the information sought in the format requested by the Deputy. However, if the Deputy has specific queries relating to a particular programme or grant, I will arrange to provide him with relevant information in that regard.

Details of funding allocations and awards are published on my Department's website at from time to time. In common with all Government Departments, details of annual expenditure are also included in the annual Appropriation Accounts.

For the Deputy's convenience a summary of the various funding areas and the links to detailed information in respect of funding available from my Department is set out in the following table.

Programme Area

Details available at:

Arts Film and Investment

Cultural Policy and Institutions

Culture Ireland

Creative Ireland

Built Heritage & Architectural Policy

National Monuments Service

Gaeltacht Support Schemes

Irish Language Support Schemes

Údarás na Gaeltachta Data

Questions (1232)

Maurice Quinlivan


1232. Deputy Maurice Quinlivan asked the Minister for Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht the number of Údarás na Gaeltachta properties located in each Gaeltacht area; if each property is occupied; the length of time each property has been vacant, in tabular form; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [1797/19]

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Written answers

The information requested by the Deputy, given its complex nature, could not be provided in the timeframe available. A complete reply will be issued to the Deputy in accordance with Standing Orders.

Údarás na Gaeltachta Expenditure

Questions (1233)

Maurice Quinlivan


1233. Deputy Maurice Quinlivan asked the Minister for Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht the status of the polyethylene terephthalate pellet extrusion project in the Baile Ghib Gaeltacht; the financial support awarded to the project to date by Údarás na Gaeltachta; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [1798/19]

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Written answers

I have been informed by Údarás na Gaeltachta that the current status of the project referred to by the Deputy is that preparatory building works have been completed on the facility in Baile Ghib and that the organisation is currently preparing tender documents to hire a contractor to refurbish the facility.

The board of Údarás na Gaeltachta approved a support package for the project in 2018 that will create up to 20 jobs in Baile Ghib in the coming years. The aforementioned capital works will result in an investment of €1.2 million in the building, which will bring it to advance-factory standard. The package also includes an equity investment in the company to enable them to develop the business and the company has received the first instalment of investment from Údarás na Gaeltachta - in line with the required match funding by private investors. This investment has enabled the company to commence ordering plant and equipment for the venture.

It is envisaged that the refurbishment works to the Baile Ghib facility will be completed and that it will be ready to be leased to the project promoter at the beginning of quarter three 2019.

Údarás na Gaeltachta Data

Questions (1234)

Maurice Quinlivan


1234. Deputy Maurice Quinlivan asked the Minister for Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht the number of companies Údarás na Gaeltachta initiated proceedings against to revoke grants in each of the years 2016 to 2018, inclusive; the number of these that were successful; the value of grants that were revoked in these years; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [1799/19]

View answer

Written answers

The information requested by the Deputy in respect of the years 2016 to 2018 is outlined in tabular format:


Number of Proceedings Initiated









I have also been informed by Údarás na Gaeltachta that they have received repayment in respect of one company. A number of other companies are currently in the process of being liquidated. The combined value of the total grants revoked in the period in question - 2016 to 2018 - amounted to €1,196,866.80.

Departmental Correspondence

Questions (1235)

Thomas P. Broughan


1235. Deputy Thomas P. Broughan asked the Minister for Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht the customer complaints received by her Department in each of the years since 2016; if the complaints are grouped into categories; the nature of the complaints; the resolution of same; and the number progressed to the relevant ombudsman in each of the years since 2016. [1868/19]

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Written answers

I am advised that my Department received two customer complaints in 2016, two in 2017 and three in 2018 in relation to the Department's operations. Three of these were subsequently referred to the Office of the Ombudsman . I am advised that in each case, the matters raised have been addressed and brought to a conclusion.

My Department remains committed to advancing the principles of Quality Customer Service, and achieving ongoing improvement in the delivery of its services.
