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Defence Forces Deployment

Dáil Éireann Debate, Thursday - 17 January 2019

Thursday, 17 January 2019

Questions (33)

Alan Farrell


33. Deputy Alan Farrell asked the Taoiseach and Minister for Defence if the Defence Forces expect a greater deployment of their fleet in the provision of fisheries protection missions in 2019 following Brexit; the planning his Department and the Defence Forces have undertaken in this regard; his views on whether two CN 235 Casa aircraft operated by the Air Corps will be sufficient to complete the tasks required; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [1810/19]

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My priority as Minister with Responsibility for Defence is to ensure that the operational capability of the Army, Air Corps and Naval Service, is maintained to the greatest extent possible so as to enable the Defence Forces to carry out their roles as assigned by Government.

While the primary day-to-day tasking of the Naval Service in Ireland is to provide a fishery protection service in accordance with the State’s fishery protection legislation and our obligations as a member of the European Union, when on patrol Naval Service vessels are multi-tasked in the sense that they also undertake general surveillance, security and other duties.

In relation to this sea-fishery protection role, the Sea-Fisheries and Maritime Jurisdiction Act 2006 established the Sea-Fisheries Protection Authority (SFPA) as the competent Authority for securing efficient and effective enforcement of sea fisheries protection legislation and the sustainable exploitation of marine fish resources from the waters around Ireland. A Service Level Agreement is in place which underpins the relationship between the Sea Fisheries Protection Authority and the Defence Organisation. This Agreement provides for the development of an Annual Control Plan and for agreed reporting and training arrangements. The Agreement also provides a forum for sharing information between parties and for dealing with fishery control and enforcement issues.

My officials, members of the Naval Service and the Air Corps, continue to meet with officials of the SFPA at formal and informal meetings and enjoy a good collaborative working relationship in relation to sea-fishery protection matters. My officials also meet regularly with officials from the Department of Agriculture and the Marine, which is the parent Department of the SFPA. These close working relationships will continue in 2019.

With regard to the fleet, the White Paper on Defence 2015 underpins the on-going replacement of the Naval Service fleet which has enjoyed a significant investment in the new ships programme of over €250 million since 2010. The Naval Service accepted delivery of the newest ship, to be named LÉ George Bernard Shaw, in late 2018.

The Government is also investing in updating the Air Corps fleet of aircraft with the replacement of the existing Cessna aircraft with three larger and more capable fixed wing utility Pilatus PC 12 aircraft which are being equipped for ISTAR (Intelligence, Surveillance, Target Acquisition and Reconnaissance). Delivery of these aircraft will start later this year and conclude in 2020.

The White Paper on Defence 2015 also provides for the replacement of the two CASA 235 Maritime Patrol Aircraft with consideration of their replacement with larger more suitable aircraft, which would enhance maritime surveillance and provide a greater degree of utility for transport and cargo carrying tasks. A public tender competition for the replacement of the CASA Maritime Patrol Aircraft is underway in my Department at present, following the publication of a Request for Proposals on the Official Journal of the European Union (OJEU) in May, 2018.

As I have previously outlined to the House, the UK decision to exit from the EU does not of itself give rise to greater responsibilities for the Defence Forces. Prudent planning in relation to all situations that may require a Defence Forces response, including fishery protection, is undertaken by the Defence Forces in the normal course.

I am satisfied that the Defence Forces have the necessary modern and effective range of equipment available to them which is in line with best international standards in order to fulfil all roles assigned to them by Government.

Question No. 34 answered with Question No. 30.