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Public Transport Initiatives

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 22 January 2019

Tuesday, 22 January 2019

Questions (548)

Catherine Martin


548. Deputy Catherine Martin asked the Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport if he has sought a plan from the Office of Public Works to reduce car parking spaces at public offices in which alternative travel options are possible and require other public sector organisations to do likewise as part of their workplace travel plans as provided for under action 8 of the Smarter Travel Transport Policy for Ireland 2009 – 2020; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [2573/19]

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In line with Action 8 of Smarter Travel – A Sustainable Transport Future my Department funds the development of workforce travel plans through a programme administered by the National Transport Authority (NTA).  The Smarter Travel Workplace and Smarter Travel Campus programmes work with employers and third level institutions to encourage more sustainable travel choices among employees and students as appropriate. I am delighted to say that the funding has enabled the NTA to support 138 large workplaces and third level institutions across the country, including 29 public sector workplaces, in developing their workforce travel plans.  

I recognise that a key driver in ensuring more people choose a sustainable travel option is the improvement and expansion of public and sustainable transport infrastructure and services and that is why I have been working to increase investment in areas such as – Funding for PSO bus and rail services across the State

- Funding for the development of new and improved cycling and walking infrastructure

- Funding for the planning and development of BusConnects in all major cities

- Funding for the planning and development of MetroLink

- Funding for the planning and development of DART Expansion. 

I believe these positive developments will greatly enhance the sustainable transport options open to people and increase the numbers of people choosing to travel to work in a sustainable manner. 

I understand from the Office of Public Works that the issue of proximity to public transport links is an important criterion in its consideration of accommodation options for public sector bodies within urban areas and that it no longer provides “stand-alone” car parking spaces for Departments and Offices (i.e. spaces which are not provided by a landlord as part of the building itself).  

In relation to supporting sustainable transport choices, the Deputy will be aware that my Department has been working to review public and sustainable transport policy generally and I expect to initiate a public consultation on that review work in the coming months.
