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Trans European Transport Network Programme

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 22 January 2019

Tuesday, 22 January 2019

Questions (550)

James Browne


550. Deputy James Browne asked the Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport if he has applied to the European Union to designate the Dublin to Rosslare railway line with Trans European Transport Network, TEN–T, core status; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [2591/19]

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The TEN-T Core Network is a subset of the Comprehensive Network, representing the strategically most important nodes and links of the trans-European transport networks. The Dublin - Rosslare Europort rail line is on the TEN-T comprehensive network and does not form part of the TEN-T Core Network.

The EU TEN-T Regulations when adopted in 2013 identified, by way of maps, the routes included in Europe’s comprehensive and core transport networks. As I have outlined in responses to previous parliamentary questions, the EU’s planning methodology explicitly set out the criteria that was used in the identification of the comprehensive network, as well as those parts of the network that are identified as the core network.

My Department will soon make a submission to the European Commission in respect of the TEN-T network, taking account of the implications of Brexit, the current National Development Plan and National Planning Framework. As stipulated in the 2013 TEN-T Regulation, there is to be a review of the implementation of the core network by the end 2023. The submission by my Department will call for an early review of the TEN-T Core Network.

A proposal for a new Regulation for the Connecting Europe Facility - the funding mechanism for TEN-T from 2021 - is currently under consideration.  In the latest draft, the Commission has accepted Ireland's proposal, made jointly with Malta and Cyprus, that funding be provided for infrastructure on the Comprehensive Network in Member States where there is no land border with another EU Member State. If this is maintained as part of the final agreed Regulation, it will mean that the railway line to Rosslare and indeed Rosslare Port itself will continue to  be eligible to apply for funding for projects coming within the application criteria.
