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Public Services Card

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 22 January 2019

Tuesday, 22 January 2019

Questions (652)

Willie O'Dea


652. Deputy Willie O'Dea asked the Minister for Employment Affairs and Social Protection if the investigation by the Data Protection Commissioner into the public services card has been completed; if so, the findings of this investigation; the actions that will be taken on foot of the investigation; her plans to publish the report by the Data Protection Commissioner; if not, the reason therefor; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [2906/19]

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In October 2017, the Data Protection Commissioner, DPC, initiated an investigation to assess the legal basis for the processing of data in connection with the public services card, PSC, and other related matters. 

The DPC provided a draft report on the PSC to my Department in late August 2018. The draft report requested further information and clarifications on a broad range of areas.  The DPC gave strict instructions that the Department should not disclose the draft report to any other party and this request was respected.

My Department provided a comprehensive response to the DPC’s draft report on 30 November 2018 and we now await the commissioner's response.  

I hope this clarifies the matter for the Deputy  
