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Urban Development

Dáil Éireann Debate, Thursday - 24 January 2019

Thursday, 24 January 2019

Questions (294)

Micheál Martin


294. Deputy Micheál Martin asked the Minister for Housing, Planning and Local Government if he has considered setting up a north inner city development authority to address the root causes of problems and champion social and economic regeneration of the area; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [3449/19]

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I have no proposals to set up a North Inner City Development Authority, especially given that the establishment of such an agency would likely replicate the work and objectives of the existing North East Inner City Implementation Board, which was established in June 2017 to oversee the implementation of a community-led programme of social and economic renewal in the area.

The establishment of the Implementation Board emanated from a recommendation in the Mulvey Report - Dublin's North East Inner City: Creating a Brighter Future - which was published in February 2017, following a request by the then Taoiseach to report on the profound challenges facing the communities of North East Inner City Dublin, and to recommend specific measures which would support the long-term economic and social regeneration of the area.

In this regard, the Mulvey Report identified a number of priority actions and proposed that the required social and economic regeneration should be overseen by an Implementation Board comprising an independent executive chair appointed by the Taoiseach and representatives from a broad range of statutory bodies and the local community. The Implementation Board is supported by a Programme Office with a multi-disciplinary team which oversees a range of community engagement and funding initiatives across a number of priority regeneration themes. I am satisfied that these arrangements are working effectively.
