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Tuesday, 29 Jan 2019

Written Answers Nos. 529-546

Walks Scheme

Questions (529, 530)

Aindrias Moynihan


529. Deputy Aindrias Moynihan asked the Minister for Rural and Community Development when he plans to reopen the rural walks scheme; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [3712/19]

View answer

Aindrias Moynihan


530. Deputy Aindrias Moynihan asked the Minister for Rural and Community Development the progress which has been made toward reopening the rural walks scheme; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [3713/19]

View answer

Written answers

I propose to take Questions Nos. 529 and 530 together.

The Rural Walks Scheme currently covers 39 trails, with payments made to approximately 1,900 private land-holders to maintain those trails.

The Programme for a Partnership Government includes a commitment to increase the number of walks covered by the scheme. In line with this commitment, funding for the scheme was doubled in Budget 2019 - from €2 million to €4 million - to allow this expansion to proceed.

I will shortly be initiating a review of the operation of the Rural Walks Scheme which will inform decisions regarding the expansion of the scheme. However, in order to be in a position to bring new trails on to the scheme as soon as possible, I will also be inviting Local Development Companies and Local Authorities in the coming weeks to submit expressions of interest in respect of trails that meet specific qualifying criteria, for consideration for inclusion in the scheme.

This process will enable my Department to identify, very quickly, the initial trails for inclusion in the expanded scheme, with additional walks to join the scheme on an incremental basis.

Rural Regeneration and Development Fund

Questions (531)

Michael Healy-Rae


531. Deputy Michael Healy-Rae asked the Minister for Rural and Community Development if his attention has been drawn to a matter (details supplied) in County Cork; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [3743/19]

View answer

Written answers

The first call for applications for the Rural Regeneration and Development Fund closed in September 2018. An amount of €1 billion is committed to the Fund over a ten-year period to support rural economic development and help build strong communities, with €55 million allocated to the fund in Budget 2019.

Applications made for the Fund are currently being examined by the Project Advisory Board, made up of representatives from key Government Departments and external experts, which was established to oversee the assessment process.

My role is to consider and approve the recommendations that emerge from the assessment process outlined above. The process of assessment for the first call for proposals is ongoing.

However, I am now informed that my Department is aware of concerns relating to a particular application and this matter will be dealt with appropriately.

Rural Regeneration and Development Fund

Questions (532)

Brendan Griffin


532. Deputy Brendan Griffin asked the Minister for Rural and Community Development his views on a matter (details supplied). [4000/19]

View answer

Written answers

Under Project Ireland 2040, the Government has committed €1 billion to the Rural Regeneration and Development Fund over a ten-year period to support rural economic development and help build strong communities. The Fund has been allocated €315 million over the period 2019 to 2022, with €55 million set aside in my Department's budget for successful projects in 2019.

The first call for applications for the Fund closed at the end of September, and there was an excellent response from all across the country, with 280 applications received.

Applications for the Fund are currently being examined by the Project Advisory Board, made up of representatives from key Government Departments and external experts, which was established to oversee the assessment process. Category 1, "shovel ready", projects were prioritised in the assessment process in the first instance and Category 2 projects - those which need development funding to become potential Category 1 applications in future calls for applications - are also now being considered.

My role is to consider and approve the recommendations that emerge from the assessment process outlined above. While the process of assessment for the first call for proposals remains ongoing, I expect that a further announcement detailing successful Category 1 and Category 2 projects will take place shortly, with a second call for the Fund taking place later in the year.

Rural Recreation Policy

Questions (533)

Margaret Murphy O'Mahony


533. Deputy Margaret Murphy O'Mahony asked the Minister for Rural and Community Development the timeline for the roll-out of the Bill to protect landowners from claims by hill walkers; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [4009/19]

View answer

Written answers

The introduction of a National Indemnity Scheme is a key priority for my Department to support the continued provision of access to the countryside for recreational users on a permissive access basis.

My Department has been working to develop a scheme to indemnify private land owners with regard to the use of their lands for recreational purposes. In this context, my officials have been in contact with the State Claims Agency and the Attorney General's Office with a view to progressing the matter.

My Department has been advised that the proposed indemnity scheme should be underpinned by legislation, and my officials are now in the process of identifying the precise legislative requirements and processes required to give effect to the scheme.

This is a complex issue, and the legal rights of landowners must be considered and respected while trying to facilitate access to their lands for recreational users on a permissive basis.

However, I have asked my officials to review all the advice received to date and to prioritise the development of clear legislative proposals to have the scheme progressed and rolled out on a phased basis as soon as possible.

Social Inclusion and Community Activation Programme Funding

Questions (534)

Seán Sherlock


534. Deputy Sean Sherlock asked the Minister for Rural and Community Development the moneys allocated specifically for projects in Mallow town by a partnership (details supplied) in each of the years 2012 to 2019; and the locations to which the moneys were allocated in tabular form. [4016/19]

View answer

Written answers

The partnership company referred to by the Deputy delivers a range of funding streams on behalf of a number of different organisations, including my Department. My Department does not have information in respect of all of these funding streams or of the specific projects that may have been funded.

In respect of my own Department, the partnership company is the Programme Implementer for the Social Inclusion Community Activation Programme, SCIAP. Table 1 provides details of the funding provided to the partnership company under this programme for the years 2012 to 2019.

The partnership company delivered the 2007-2013 LEADER Programme as a Local Action Group, LAG, and details of the funding provided to the partnership company in each of the years 2012 to 2016 are provided in Table 2. I understand that no LEADER projects were funded in Mallow during this period, as Mallow was not eligible for LEADER funding at that time.

The approach to the delivery of the LEADER programme changed in 2016. A funding agreement was signed with the North Cork Local Community Development Committee in 2016 to deliver LEADER 2014-2020 as the Local Action Group in North Cork. The partnership company continues to implement the LEADER 2014-2020 programme in conjunction with the North Cork LAG and is the point of contact for all potential applicants. Mallow is now eligible for funding under the new LEADER programme, however the allocation of funding to individual projects is a matter for the Local Action Group rather than the partnership company.

The North Cork LAG has an allocation of almost €5.1 million under the 2014-2020 LEADER Programme. The allocation is provided for the duration of the programme rather than on an annual basis, as this provides greater flexibility for Local Action Groups to manage their resources over the full duration of the programme.

Table 1: Funding provided tunder SCIAP in the period 2012-2019





















Table 2: Funding provided under LEADER in the period 2012-2016.















Social Inclusion and Community Activation Programme Funding

Questions (535)

Seán Sherlock


535. Deputy Sean Sherlock asked the Minister for Rural and Community Development the moneys allocated specifically for projects in Fermoy town by a partnership (details supplied) in each of the years 2012 to 2019; and the locations to which the moneys were allocated in tabular form. [4017/19]

View answer

Written answers

The partnership company referred to by the Deputy delivers a range of funding streams on behalf of a number of different organisations, including my Department. My Department does not have information in respect of all of these funding streams or of the specific projects that may have been funded.

In respect of my own Department, the partnership company is the Programme Implementer for the Social Inclusion Community Activation Programme, SCIAP. Table 1 provides details of the funding provided to the partnership company under this programme for the years 2012 to 2019.

The partnership company delivered the 2007-2013 LEADER Programme as a Local Action Group, LAG, and details of the funding provided to the partnership company in each of the years 2012 to 2016 are provided in Table 2.

The approach to the delivery of the LEADER programme changed in 2016. A funding agreement was signed with the North Cork Local Community Development Committee in 2016 to deliver LEADER 2014-2020 as the Local Action Group in North Cork. The partnership company continues to implement the LEADER 2014-2020 programme in conjunction with the North Cork LAG and is the point of contact for all potential applicants. The allocation of funding to individual projects in Fermoy is a matter for the Local Action Group rather than the partnership company.

The North Cork LAG has an allocation of almost €5.1 million under the 2014-2020 LEADER Programme. The allocation is provided for the duration of the programme rather than on an annual basis as this provides greater flexibility for Local Action Group’s to manage their resources over the full duration of the programme.

Table 1: Funding provided under SCIAP in the period 2012-2019





















Table 2: Funding provided under LEADER in the period 2012-2016















Mobile Telephony Services

Questions (536)

Niall Collins


536. Deputy Niall Collins asked the Minister for Rural and Community Development further to Parliamentary Question No. 1013 of 15 January 2019, if he will provide a schedule (details supplied); and if he will make a statement on the matter. [4081/19]

View answer

Written answers

In 2017, officials from my Department, the Department of Communications, Climate Action and Environment and a small number of Local Authorities met to examine the potential for mapping mobile phone black spots in Ireland.

On foot of these meetings, an invitation was issued in late 2017 to all Local Authorities to provide data on five to six prioritised local black spots.

Some Local Authorities provided details of more than the five to six black spots requested. However, the intention was only to identify areas of immediate priority for the purposes of the exercise in question, rather than to compile a definitive list of black spots across the country.

While the exercise was informative, it was not comprehensive. Of the 31 Local Authorities, only 17 returned data to feed into the exercise. The majority of Local Authorities did not have the capacity to carry out technical testing. Furthermore, the methods used to collect the data varied.

Simultaneously, mobile network operators and infrastructure providers were increasing the number of mobile phone sites in service, as well as upgrading existing networks. As a consequence, the data that was collected in 2018 only represented a snapshot in time for certain areas and could not be interpreted as a definitive source of information regarding mobile phone black spots. Nor would it be a fair reflection of the current situation, as network developments are taking place on an ongoing basis.

ComReg will shortly be publishing a national map of mobile phone coverage for 2G, 3G and 4G services. This map will show the quality of mobile phone coverage across the county and is a key deliverable of the Mobile Phone and Broadband Taskforce.

Local Improvement Scheme Funding

Questions (537)

Eamon Scanlon


537. Deputy Eamon Scanlon asked the Minister for Rural and Community Development if additional funding will be provided for the local improvement scheme to local authorities, particularly in counties Sligo, Leitrim, Donegal and Roscommon, in order to clear the backlog of applications; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [4102/19]

View answer

Written answers

The Local Improvement Scheme, or LIS, is a programme for improvement works on small private or non-public roads in rural areas. The scheme is now funded by my Department and is administered through the Local Authorities. It is a matter for the Local Authorities to prioritise the roads to be completed under the scheme.

As the Deputy may be aware, there was no dedicated funding for this scheme for a number of years due to constraints on public expenditure. However, I was very conscious of the underlying demand for the scheme in rural areas throughout the country.

I reintroduced the LIS in September 2017 and allocated a total of €17.4 million to Local Authorities for LIS roads in 2017.

In 2018, I allocated almost €21 million for LIS roads in two phases.

It is clear that there is a continuing demand for LIS funding in rural communities across Ireland, and I have therefore secured an allocation of €10 million for the scheme in my Department's Estimate for 2019. I will be announcing details of LIS 2019 in the coming weeks.

Seniors Alert Scheme

Questions (538)

Noel Grealish


538. Deputy Noel Grealish asked the Minister for Rural and Community Development if grants are available for the provision of house alarms for those over 65 years of age; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [4117/19]

View answer

Written answers

My Department is responsible for the Seniors Alert Scheme, which encourages community support for vulnerable older people in our communities through the provision of personal monitored alarms to enable them to live securely in their homes with confidence, independence and peace of mind. Funding is available under the scheme toward the purchase by a registered community-based organisation of a personal alarm or pendant.

Following a review, a new version of the scheme came into effect on 1 November 2017. A number of changes were introduced under the new scheme, including the provision of free monitoring for the first year and a revision of the living alone requirements. I am pleased to advise the Deputy that the revised scheme has been a resounding success with unprecedented levels of demand for the new package.

The issue of the introduction of funding for the installation of house alarms is a matter for my colleague, the Minister for Justice and Equality.

LEADER Programmes Expenditure

Questions (539)

Dara Calleary


539. Deputy Dara Calleary asked the Minister for Rural and Community Development the amount allocated to each local action group, LAG, under the 2014 to 2020 LEADER programme; the amount expended under the programme in each LAG as at 31 December 2018; the percentage of the total spend to date of the amount allocated to each LAG as at 31 December 2018; the amount expended to date on project costs by each LAG as at 31 December 2018; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [4146/19]

View answer

Written answers

LEADER is a multi-annual programme with a total budget of €250 million over the period 2014-2020. An amount of €220 million of this funding has been allocated to the Local Action Groups, LAGs, throughout the country who deliver the LEADER programme. This funding is allocated to the LAGs for the full period of the programme.

The remaining €30 million is available for schemes to be delivered at a national level.

Table 1 provides details as at 31 December 2018 of:

- The allocations to the LAGs under the LEADER 2014-2020 programme;

- The total expenditure by LAG which includes the administration costs of the LAGs and the cost associated with their engagement with promoters to develop projects;

- The total expenditure expressed as a percentage of the LAG's allocation; and,

- The total expenditure incurred on LEADER projects.

There was a significant increase in both project approvals and expenditure in 2018. I am confident that the progress now being made by the LAGs in approving projects, along with the administrative improvements introduced by my Department, will result in a continued increase in project approvals and payments under the LEADER programme during 2019.

Table 1: LEADER expenditure data as of 31 December 2018.

Local Action Group

Total Allocation

Total Spend

% of Allocation Spent

Project Spend
















Cork North





Cork South





Cork West










Dublin Rural





Galway East





Galway West




































































































Grand Total





Town and Village Renewal Scheme

Questions (540)

Dara Calleary


540. Deputy Dara Calleary asked the Minister for Rural and Community Development the amount allocated to each local authority under the town and village renewal scheme in each year since it was established; the amount expended by each local authority at the end of each such year to date in tabular form; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [4192/19]

View answer

Written answers

The Town and Village Renewal Scheme was introduced in the second half of 2016 and, to date, almost €53 million has been approved for more than 670 projects across the country.

The following tables detail the funding allocated to each local authority under the Town and Village Renewal Scheme in each of the years 2016, 2017 and 2018, and the cumulative amount paid by my Department against those allocations at the end of each year.

Payments in respect of the 2016 scheme were made in November 2016. The 2017 and 2018 schemes provided for payments on a phased basis. The 2017 scheme allowed for the drawdown of 50% of funding on certification that 20% of the works had been completed. The 2018 scheme allowed for 50% of funding to be drawn down on certification that 50% of expenditure had actually been incurred by the Local Authority. The tables reflect the amounts paid to Local Authorities on this basis for 2017 and 2018.

It should be noted that projects under the Town and Village Renewal Scheme can typically take 12 to 18 months to complete. The 2018 allocations under the 2018 scheme were announced on 5 October 2018.

2016 Town and Village Renewal Scheme

Local Authority/County

2016 T&V Funding


Payments made as at 31/12/2016

Payments made as at 31/12/2017

Payments made as at 31/12/2018








































































































































2017 Town and Village Renewal Scheme

Local Authority/County

2017 T&V Funding Allocated

Payments made as at 31/12/2017

Payments made as at 31/12/2018

























































































South Dublin




























2018 Town and Village Renewal Scheme

Local Authority/County

2018 T&V Funding Allocated

Payments made as at 31/12/2018





















































































Departmental Funding

Questions (541)

Tony McLoughlin


541. Deputy Tony McLoughlin asked the Minister for Rural and Community Development the allocation of funding per scheme administered by his Department in counties Sligo and Leitrim in each of the years 2016 to 2018 and to date in 2019; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [4211/19]

View answer

Written answers

The figures requested by the Deputy for my Department have been collated in the following table. Where fields have been left blank, this indicates that the scheme in question was not in operation in that particular year. For 2019, funding allocations have yet to be confirmed for the majority of schemes administered by my Department.


Sligo 2016

Sligo 2017

Sligo 2018

Sligo 2019

Leitrim 2016

Leitrim 2017

Leitrim 2018

Leitrim 2019

Outdoor Recreation Infrastructure Scheme
















Local Improvement Scheme





Demonstration Projects


Digital Innovation Programme


REDZ Schemes



Town and Village Renewal Scheme







Dormant Accounts Fund Social Enterprise Measure




Rural Regeneration and Development Fund


Social Inclusion and Community Activation Programme









Communities Facilities Scheme (CFS)



Re-cast RAPID



Community Enhancement Programme (CEP) Incl. Men’s Shed fund


Funding allocation to be confirmed


Funding allocation to be confirmed

* Two projects were approved for funding under the Rural Regeneration and Development Fund for Sligo in November 2018, for a total of €1,115,752. A figure of €687,000 of this allocation is scheduled to be spent in 2019.

LEADER has a total budget of €250 million over the period 2014-2020. An amount of €220 million of this funding has been allocated to the Local Action Groups, LAGs, throughout the country who deliver the LEADER programme. The remaining €30 million is available for schemes to be delivered at a national level. The funding which has been allocated to the LAGs is provided for the duration of the programme, rather than on an annual basis. This provides greater flexibility to the LAGs in managing their resources. Sligo has been given an allocation of €7.655,647.81 for the duration of the programme; and Leitrim has been given an allocation of €5,998,474.74.

The Seniors Alert Scheme is demand-led, and funding is allocated to meet the demand under the Scheme and not divided on a geographical basis. My Department is in a position to give participant numbers by county only. The lot-based tender system for suppliers combines a number of counties into each of the seven lots, and payments are made to the suppliers in each of these lots. Therefore, it is not possible to say with full accuracy how much funding has been given to each county.

The number of participants in the Seniors Alert Scheme in each county over the period requested is as follows:

Sligo: 161 (2016), 275 (2017), 447 (2018); Leitrim: 97 (2016), 178 (2017), 203 (2018).

Further information about all the schemes in my Department is available on my Department's website.

Mobile Telephony Services

Questions (542)

Anne Rabbitte


542. Deputy Anne Rabbitte asked the Minister for Rural and Community Development the details and locations of each of the 64 mapped local mobile telephone black spots in County Galway in tabular form; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [4225/19]

View answer

Written answers

In 2017, officials from my Department, the Department of Communications, Climate Action and Environment and a small number of Local Authorities met to examine the potential for mapping mobile phone black spots in Ireland.

On foot of these meetings, an invitation was issued in late 2017 to all Local Authorities to provide data on five to six prioritised local black spots.

Some Local Authorities provided details of more than the five to six black spots requested. However, the intention was only to identify areas of immediate priority for the purposes of the exercise in question, rather than to compile a definitive list of black spots across the country.

While the exercise was informative, it was not comprehensive. Of the 31 Local Authorities, only 17 returned data to feed into the exercise. The majority of Local Authorities did not have the capacity to carry out technical testing. Furthermore, the methods used to collect the data varied.

Simultaneously, mobile network operators and infrastructure providers were increasing the number of mobile phone sites in service, as well as upgrading existing networks. As a consequence, the data that was collected in 2018 only represented a snapshot in time for certain areas and could not be interpreted as a definitive source of information regarding mobile phone black spots. Nor would it be a fair reflection of the current situation, as network developments are taking place on an ongoing basis.

ComReg will shortly be publishing a national map of mobile phone coverage for 2G, 3G and 4G services. This map will show the quality of mobile phone coverage across the county and is a key deliverable of the Mobile Phone and Broadband Taskforce.

Legislative Process

Questions (543)

Pearse Doherty


543. Deputy Pearse Doherty asked the Minister for Rural and Community Development the legislation, including heads of Bills, from his Department that was sent to EU institutions before publication for the period of the Thirty-second Dáil; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [4255/19]

View answer

Written answers

I can confirm that my Department has not sent any pieces of legislation to EU institutions for the period in question.

In relation to the Miscellaneous Provisions (Withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the European Union on 29 March 2019) Bill 2019, and Brexit Preparedness and Contingency planning more generally, the Government continues to engage with the EU institutions and other Member States to ensure a coordinated approach to Brexit, where appropriate.

LEADER Programmes Expenditure

Questions (544, 545)

Pat the Cope Gallagher


544. Deputy Pat The Cope Gallagher asked the Minister for Rural and Community Development the capital expenditure to date of LEADER projects in County Donegal as per the LEADER programme 2014 to 2020; the projects allocated funding that have not drawn down the approved funding in the county; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [4274/19]

View answer

Pat the Cope Gallagher


545. Deputy Pat The Cope Gallagher asked the Minister for Rural and Community Development the level of funding committed to date under the 2014 to 2020 LEADER programme in County Donegal; the successful drawdown of funding to date by project in County Donegal; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [4275/19]

View answer

Written answers

I propose to take Questions Nos. 544 and 545 together.

LEADER is a multi-annual programme for the period 2014-2020 and has a total budget of €250 million over that period. The programme is administered by Local Action Groups, LAGs, which deliver funding in accordance with Local Development Strategies that have been agreed for each LAG area. The Local Action Group in Donegal has an allocation of approximately €12.9 million for the period of the programme.

To date, 104 projects with a grant value of over €4.3 million have been approved for LEADER funding in Donegal. Funding under LEADER is drawn down as projects incur expenditure and submit payment claims to my Department. To date, claims in excess of €750,000 have been drawn down in respect of projects in County Donegal.

Table 1 provides details of the projects approved to date in County Donegal and details of payments made, where applicable.

The level of project activity under the LEADER programme has increased significantly in 2018, and I am confident that the progress now being made by the LAGs in approving projects, along with the administrative improvements introduced by my Department over the last year, will result in a continued increase in project approvals and payments under the LEADER programme during 2019.

Table 1: LEADER projects approved in Donegal and the corresponding grant amounts paid as at 20 January 2019

Project Name

LEADER Grant Amount

Amount Paid to date

Acoustic Panels for Cranford Community Centre



Addition of Innovative Screening Plant to Provide New Screening Service



Áislann Chill Chartha CLG



Amazing Grace Yacht Charter (Ireland) Ltd



Ballybofey United Community Sports Facility



Ballyliffin & Clonmany Destination brochure



Ballyliffin Film Festival 2017



Ballyliffin Film Festival 2018



Ballyshannon Town Clock Development Plan



Banba's Crown - Inishowen's Digital Magazine



Binion Bay Caravan and Camping Facility



Bruckless Community Centre Renovations



Buncrana Youth & Community Development Company Ltd



Centre Enhancement Project



Club Gleacaíochta Ghaoth Dobhair



Comharchumann na nOileáin Beaga



Coastal Defense Forts



Coastal Explorers Programme



Coiste Cairde Bhun an Inbhir - Athchóiriú ar an choláiste



Coiste Forbartha Dhobhair Teo - Athchóiriú ar an Urlár



CoLabora European cooperation project on co-working spaces in rural areas



Comharchumann Forbartha Ghaoth Dobhair - Athnuachan aiseanna ag an Chrannóg



Comhlacht Forbartha an Tearmainn - Broadband



Comhlacht Forbartha an Tearmainn - Trealamh Ríomhaireachta



Community Archaeology Training Project



Community Sports and Recreational Facility including Meeting Room and Associated Works



Computer and Training Suite



Cursaí Oiliúna & Sábhaltachta



Development Lough Mardal Lodge Glamping Site



Development of Astro Turf Pitch



Development of Bundoran Community Centre



Development of Churchill Community Playground



Development of Kilmacrennan Community Playground



Development of Oakwell Log Cabin Self-Catering Accommodation



Development of Software and Marketing for Green Golf Travel



Donegal Community Governance LEADERship Project



Drumhome Columban Monastic Site Feasbility Study



Enchancement Works at St. Brigid's Community Centre



Enhancement works at Inver Community Centre to improve the energy efficiency of building



Enhancement works to Car-park and Security System and provision of seating.



Extension to Kerrykeel Fannet Community Hall



Feasibility & Analysis Study



Feile na hInse 2018



Feistiú Ionad ilchuspóireach Naomh Fhionain



Fit-out of extension to Raphoe Orange Hall



Glamping Villa's @ Wild Atlantic Camp



Glenties Village Enhancement Works



Guth na Rosann Teo - Tarchuradóir



Halla Naomh Bhríde



Hoist Away



Hydro Electric Power Scheme



ICMN Research & Development Feasibility Project



Illies Community Centre



Inch Island Wetland Biodiversity Project



Inishowen River Guardians



Installation of 3G playing surface - Sport hall project



Installation of small scale Broadband equipment in Bundoran Community Centre



Invest Letterkenny - The Full Story (Pedestrian Counters)



Ionad Eachtraíochta Ghabhla



Ionad Pobail Dhún Lúiche



Kerrykeel Village Enhancement Works



Lands of Eoghain Festival



Leave No Trace Training Programme



Malin Head Demo Kitchen



Manorcunningham Community / Youth Facility project



Monreagh Hall



Multi Purpose Sports Field



Nature of Innovation Co-operation Project



O Doherty's Keep Development Project



Páirc Phéile Uile-aimsire Phobal Eascarrach



Phase 2 works to Lifford Old Courthouse



Phase 3 Riverwalk



Photos from Ireland - photography tours and workshops



Publication of a Series of Books on Donegal's Heritage Railways



Purchase of Eskoskeleton Bionic Rehabilitation Suit



Rebuilding of Newtowncunningham Orange Hall



Recreational Rowing



Refurbishment and Upgrade of St. Anne's Hall



Refurbishment of Letterkenny CDP Premises



Refurbishment of St. Johnston Orange Hall



Renovation works to first floor of St. Conal’s Church for use by people with disability



Rockfield Community Hall Enhancement Works



Roll-out of Practice Uilleann Pipes Scheme



Set up of Awaken Adventure an outdoor adventure company



Set-up of Glenties Community Centre Computer Suite



Siopa Caife na Cultúrlainne



Slí Mara Thoraí Teoranta



St. Johnston & Carrigans FRC Computer Room Upgrade



St. Johnston Hall Lift Installation



Staidéar féidearthachta ar fhorbairt ar shean stáisiún an Gharda Cósta ag Cionn Fhánada



Stáitse infhillte don Ionad



Study into the potential for the development of goat milk in Donegal



Suile Centre



The Ballyshannon Port Heritage Project Business Plan



The Shannon-Erne Pilgrim Way Baseline Study



Trail Head - Ballybofey Riverside Walk



Trealamh Súgartha & Aclaíochta



Uirlísí Ceoil



Upgrade of Computer Suite in Tirhugh Resource Centre



Upgrade of Niall Mór Community & Enterprise Centre



Upgrade of Roof at Foresters Community Hall



Upgrading of B&B



Wild Ireland



Wild West Inishowen






Personal Micro Credit Scheme

Questions (546)

Michael McGrath


546. Deputy Michael McGrath asked the Minister for Employment Affairs and Social Protection if a credit union incurs the loss of a loan (details supplied), whether the loan defaults and is not repaid; if not, whether there is a State guarantee in such cases; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [3830/19]

View answer

Written answers

The Personal Micro Credit Scheme, PMC, provides for small-scale loans, ranging from €100 to €2,000 and known as It Makes Sense loans, by credit unions to borrowers who have difficulty accessing low cost credit. Currently 111 credit unions at 272 locations are participating in the scheme.

An Post facilitates the repayment of PMC loans for social welfare recipients who receive their payment through the post office, by utilising the Department's Household Budgeting facility to deduct the repayment amount from the social welfare payment and transmitting it onward to the relevant credit union. For borrowers receiving their weekly social welfare payment electronically into an account, the repayment method is by direct debit or standing order.

The It Makes Sense Loan is funded by the individual credit unions participating in the scheme. Each credit union assesses loan applications in line with the credit policy underpinning the It Makes Sense loan scheme. If an It Makes Sense borrower defaults on a loan repayment, the credit union bears the loss in the same way as for any of its other loan products. There is no State guarantee in place.

The credit policy underpinning the It Makes Sense Loan sets out a number of factors to assist credit unions with the loan decision process, a key factor of which is an assessment of the capacity and willingness of the borrower to repay.

In addition, in order to support participating credit unions, the PMC project team provides support and training to all credit unions offering the loans, and there is a helpdesk in place to assist them with any queries that may arise.

I hope this clarifies the matter for the Deputy.
