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Departmental Budgets

Dáil Éireann Debate, Thursday - 7 February 2019

Thursday, 7 February 2019

Questions (199)

Barry Cowen


199. Deputy Barry Cowen asked the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine the breakdown of the €56,714,000 capital allocation in the seafood sector within his Department for 2019 by specific project; the projects that will be commenced and completed in 2019, in tabular form; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [6036/19]

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The main components of the €55,714,000 capital allocation for the seafood sector ( DAFM Programme D) for 2019 are shown in the following table.


Allocation 2019

Development and Upgrading of Harbours for Fisheries


Marine Inst. Grant Capital


BIM Grant Capital


Remediation of Haulbowline Island


Seafood Development Programme Capital


SFPA Capital


Information Management Technology (Admin Budget)


The major Fisheries Harbour Centre development projects I have provided for are the Dinish Island pier project at Castletownbere which will be substantially completed this year and Smooth Point project at Killybegs which is planned for commencement in the second half of the year. I have also provided part-funding for a range of smaller projects at local authority owned piers.

The Haulbowline Island East-Tip remediation project was substantially completed in 2018 but funding is provided for residual costs.

Most for the funding I have allocated to BIM is to support a range of measures (co funded by the EU under the European Maritime & Fisheries Fund) to be undertaken by operators in various parts of the sector. In common with other demand led schemes it is not possible at this point to indicate the number of projects and completion dates. I have also provided for research programmes operated by the Marine Institute and for the design phase of a replacement for one of its fisheries research vessels. I have also provided for the maintenance of the facilities of Bord Iascaigh Mhara, Sea Fisheries Protection Authority and the Marine Institute.

The Administrative budget capital allocation for Programme D in 2019 provides for ensuring that my Department continues to maintain a robust and responsive IT infrastructure to support of the delivery of its Seafood sector activities and to assist my department in maintaining its certified ISO 27001 Information Security Standard.
