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Public Procurement Contracts Data

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 19 February 2019

Tuesday, 19 February 2019

Questions (455)

Niall Collins


455. Deputy Niall Collins asked the Minister for Health the number of State contracts that were not awarded to the lowest tender or bid in each year since 2011 to date in his Department or bodies under the aegis of his Department; the reason the lowest tender or bid was not chosen; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [8808/19]

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I thank the Deputy for the clarification received regarding contract value. However, the information requested by the Deputy is not routinely available within the Department. I will arrange for the question to be circulated within the Department and provide a reply of collated responses as soon as possible. 

Information regarding agencies under the aegis are operational matters for the relevant  CEO/Director/Chairperson.  I have also forwarded the question for their investigation and direct reply to the Deputy.
