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Brexit Supports

Dáil Éireann Debate, Wednesday - 27 February 2019

Wednesday, 27 February 2019

Questions (202)

Joan Burton


202. Deputy Joan Burton asked the Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport if he or his officials have engaged with the European Commission for the provision of state aid to hauliers and other transport providers in the event of a no-deal hard Brexit; the meetings he has held on same; the organisations he has engaged with on same; the level of support which will be made available to the industry; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [9991/19]

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The Department of Business, Enterprise and Innovation is providing extensive supports, schemes and advice to ensure that businesses are prepared for Brexit, and the Department and its agencies are assisting businesses to meet their challenges by identifying key risk areas and the practical preparatory actions to be taken over the coming weeks. The Department of Business, Enterprise and Innovation has launched a €300 million Brexit Loan Scheme. For information on how this scheme may apply to the road transport sector, the Department of Business, Enterprise and Innovation should be contacted.
