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Economic Competitiveness

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 5 March 2019

Tuesday, 5 March 2019

Questions (174)

Bernard Durkan


174. Deputy Bernard J. Durkan asked the Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform the degree to which he in the context of reform has introduced new criteria in view of the international and global trading challenges; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [10945/19]

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As the Deputy suggests, we live in a world that is uncertain and in which Ireland faces many challenges, including the international and global trading challenges to which his question refers. Central to the Government’s preparation for such challenges is the prudent management of the public finances in order to ensure that the economy remains competitive in the face of future economic headwinds.  Measures being taken include balancing the books, reducing our debt burden, building up the Rainy Day Fund and continuing to invest in infrastructure.

 In the particular context of reform, a series of initiatives taken by this Government since 2011 have made the work of the civil and public services more transparent, decision-making more accountable and service delivery more effective and efficient. Our Public Service 2020, which became operational during 2018, is a new policy framework designed to build on these previous reforms while expanding the scope of reform to focus more on collaboration, innovation and evaluation. Progress in each of these areas, but especially innovation, will better position Ireland to meet the challenges arising in the global environment to which the Deputy refers.

Certain of the eighteen specific actions set out in Our Public Service 2020, such as accelerating digital delivery of services, driving efficiency and effectiveness and promoting a culture of innovation in the public service are particularly relevant in this regard. A Public Service Leadership Board comprising Secretary General and CEO level participants from across the civil and public service has been established to drive the new reform agenda and lead on its implementation. This approach will support and enable public servants and their organisations to perform at their best and to work together to deliver high-quality, value-for-money outcomes that will benefit the economy.

Questions Nos. 175 and 176 answered with Question No. 169.