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Animal Disease Controls

Dáil Éireann Debate, Wednesday - 13 March 2019

Wednesday, 13 March 2019

Questions (268)

Carol Nolan


268. Deputy Carol Nolan asked the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine if he will resist EU proposals to impose a 30 day pre-movement tuberculosis test and tighter assembly periods for live exports; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [12642/19]

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In March 2016, the European Parliament adopted the new Animal Health Law (Regulation (EU)2016/429). This involved the amalgamation of a multiplicity of legal texts into a single law with the aim of supporting the EU livestock sector in terms of competitiveness, food safety and ease of trade. The Animal Health Law is a key output of the EU animal health strategy ‘Prevention is Better Than The Cure’.

Under the Animal Health Law, several Delegated Acts have been drafted by the Commission, and a consultation process has been undertaken with Member States. One of the Delegated Acts sets out the legislative framework for disease eradication programmes throughout the European Union including specifically that for bovine TB.

The Delegated Acts dealing with TB and Animal Movement (to become operational in April 2021) have not been finalised, and are still undergoing scrutiny at Commission level. Ireland is continuing to engage with the Commission on this matter. It is anticipated that a public consultation process on the Act will be undertaken circa April 2019.
