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Greyhound Industry

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 26 March 2019

Tuesday, 26 March 2019

Questions (985)

Clare Daly


985. Deputy Clare Daly asked the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine further to Parliamentary Question Nos. 475 and 481 of 12 March 2019, in which he claimed there were 5,058 full and part-time jobs in greyhound racing and that this employment creates €171 million in additional spending, if he will provide a source for and breakdown of these figures. [13693/19]

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Bord na gCon is a commercial state body, established under the Greyhound Industry Act, 1958 chiefly to control greyhound racing and to improve and develop the greyhound industry.  Bord na gCon is a body corporate and a separate legal entity to the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine.

The source for the aforementioned figures comes from a report prepared for Bord na gCon by Jim Power Economics Limited, which was published in November 2017 and is therefore in the public domain.
