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Emigrant Support Services

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 2 April 2019

Tuesday, 2 April 2019

Questions (103)

Niall Collins


103. Deputy Niall Collins asked the Tánaiste and Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade the outcome of the interdepartmental committee on the Irish abroad meeting on 21 February 2019; the status of the implementation of the recommendations made in a report (details supplied) on addressing barriers to returning emigrants; if further initiatives are planned; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [15317/19]

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A meeting of the Interdepartmental Committee on the Irish Abroad was held in Government Buildings on 21st February 2019. The following items were discussed:

- Current progress with respect to the recommendations contained within the Indecon Economic Report on Addressing Challenges Faced by Returning Irish Emigrants

- A Memorandum to be brought to Government in respect of this progress

- The Government's new diaspora policy and the associated public consultation process

- The Back to Business programme

- The referendum on extending voting rights in presidential elections to citizens outside the state

- The Cultural Ambassadors initiative, administered by the Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht

- Activities of the Department of Business, Enterprise and Innovation in respect of the work of the  Interdepartmental Committee

In relation to the Indecon Economic Report on Addressing Challenges Faced by Returning Irish Emigrants, nineteen of the thirty recommendations contained in the report have been addressed, or are in the process of being addressed.

I have written to all Departments to seeking updated responses to these recommendations. A report detailing progress made will be brought to Government in the coming weeks.

The Government remains committed to ensuring that returning Irish emigrants are facilitated to the greatest possible extent.
