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Rural Development Programme

Dáil Éireann Debate, Wednesday - 3 April 2019

Wednesday, 3 April 2019

Questions (208, 213)

Bernard Durkan


208. Deputy Bernard J. Durkan asked the Minister for Rural and Community Development the extent to which the various programmes run by his Department have benefited individual rural communities on a county basis nationally; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [15625/19]

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Bernard Durkan


213. Deputy Bernard J. Durkan asked the Minister for Rural and Community Development the number of persons in urban and rural communities who have accessed the support schemes operated by his Department in 2018 and to date in 2019; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [15630/19]

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Written answers

I propose to take Questions Nos. 208 and 213 together.

As Minister with responsibility for Rural and Community Development, I am leading a Department whose mission is to help build vibrant, sustainable communities across the country.

We are progressing this objective through the implementation of programmes and initiatives that facilitate and encourage economic development and support our communities to become and remain desirable places to live, work and raise families. 

Improving the quality of life of those who live and work in rural communities is another key objective of the Action Plan for Rural Development, which is the most comprehensive Government plan ever produced to support economic and social development in rural areas.

The current Action Plan runs to the end of 2019 and consideration is now being given to future rural development policy.  An implementation plan for the Framework Policy for Local and Community Development in Ireland, published in 2016, is also currently at an advanced stage,

My Department is currently finalising an implementation plan for the Framework Policy for Local and Community Development and I am confident that this plan will propose actions that will support the local and community development sectors to continue providing valuable services to rural communities.

In addition, Project Ireland 2040 will help breathe new life into communities across the country, providing access to recreational and leisure facilities, by increasing the attractiveness of communities to visitors and, most importantly, by supporting job creation and employment for people in both urban and rural areas. This includes the €1 billion being invested through my Department in towns and villages across Ireland through the Rural Regeneration and Development Fund. Some €86million has already been allocated to projects across the country, with a further call for applications to the Fund due in the coming weeks.

My Department is also committed to the successful delivery of a range of other schemes and programmes which are greatly benefiting rural communities.  Programmes such as LEADER, CLÁR, the Town and Village Renewal Scheme, the Local Improvement Scheme, the Outdoor Recreation Scheme, the Social Inclusion and Community Activation Programme and the Community Enhancement Programme have delivered funding and supports to numerous small and large-scale projects, many of which are identified and driven by local community organisations.

In respect of the communities that have accessed my Department's support schemes, given the volume of data, I will arrange for funding allocation information for 2018, on a county basis, to be forwarded to the Deputy separately.  

In the case of the Social Inclusion and Community Activation Programme, I can confirm that 31,967 individuals were supported by the scheme in 2018, with a target of 27,313 set for 2019. This is in addition to the thousands of community groups supported by SICAP.

The Seniors Alert Scheme approved 19,228 participants for the provision of personal monitored alarms in 2018 and 3,848 in 2019 to the end of February.

Question No. 209 answered with Question No. 85.