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Housing Assistance Payment

Dáil Éireann Debate, Thursday - 11 April 2019

Thursday, 11 April 2019

Questions (207)

John Brady


207. Deputy John Brady asked the Minister for Housing, Planning and Local Government the reason a half-rate carer's payment is assessed as means under HAP but not under rent supplement in circumstances in which those being transferred from rent supplement to HAP are having their half-rate carer's payment assessed; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [17002/19]

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Applications for social housing support are assessed by the relevant local authority, in accordance with the eligibility and need criteria set down in section 20 of the Housing (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2009 and the associated Social Housing Assessment Regulations 2011, as amended. In order to be eligible for HAP support, a household must first qualify for social housing support and be placed on a housing list. 

The Social Housing Assessment Regulations 2011 prescribe maximum net income limits for each local authority, in different bands according to the area concerned, with income being defined and assessed according to a standard Household Means Policy. The 2011 Regulations do not provide local authorities with any discretion to exceed the limits that apply to their administrative areas.

The income bands and the authority area assigned to each band were based on an assessment of the income needed to provide for a household's basic needs, plus a comparative analysis of the local rental cost of housing accommodation across the country. It is important to note that the limits introduced at that time also reflected a blanket increase of €5,000 introduced prior to the new system coming into operation, in order to broaden the base from which social housing tenants are drawn, both promoting sustainable communities and also providing a degree of future-proofing.

Under the Household Means Policy, which applies to all local authorities, net income for social housing assessment is defined as gross household income less income tax, PRSI and the universal social charge.  The Policy provides for a range of income disregards, including carer's allowance. Local authorities also have discretion to decide to disregard income that is temporary, short-term or once off in nature. 
