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Boat Permits

Dáil Éireann Debate, Thursday - 11 April 2019

Thursday, 11 April 2019

Questions (228)

Kevin O'Keeffe


228. Deputy Kevin O'Keeffe asked the Minister for Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht the criteria and regulations governing the granting of passenger boat licences in an area (details supplied); the persons or bodies that hold these licences; and if traditional boatmen were given preference in the granting of same. [17038/19]

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My Department's National Parks and Wildlife Service is responsible for the operation and maintenance of the area in question. It governs the lakes in accordance with the Bourn Vincent Memorial Park Act 1932.

Commercial licences and permits to operate class P5 boats at the location in question are advertised by way of tender.  The last such tender was advertised in May 2018 and will last for a period of 2 years. It is envisaged that my Department will go out to tender again in 2020.  

Commercial and recreational boating has been a feature in this area for many decades, and has been associated with a number of families for many years. Many of the current ‘traditional’ commercial boatmen have operated since the time of those property-holders who previously claimed title to the Lakes, the late Ms Grosvenor and John McShain.  Permits are not advertised where the boatmen have this traditional right to operate.

Regarding the use of fishing/pleasure boats on the lakes in the area in question, there are 20 boat moorings.  These moorings are subject to a local lottery, and are allocated annually for a twelve month period.
