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Budget Measures

Dáil Éireann Debate, Thursday - 18 April 2019

Thursday, 18 April 2019

Questions (32)

Richard Boyd Barrett


32. Deputy Richard Boyd Barrett asked the Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform his priority areas for additional funding in budget 2020; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [18070/19]

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As part of the revised budgetary timetable, there are a number of key points in the budgetary process that inform the considerations in relation to budgetary priorities. The draft Stability Programme Update 2019 (SPU), published this week sets out the macroeconomic outlook for the period from 2019 to 2023. Following on from the SPU, the SES to be published later this year will set out the Government’s overall economic and budgetary strategy, and establish the parameters for the forthcoming Budget.

The National Economic Dialogue is an important part of the budgetary process, providing an opportunity for key stakeholders from different sectors of society to come together to discuss what our priorities should be. These stakeholders include representatives of community, voluntary and environmental groups as well as business and unions.

The Mid-Year Expenditure Report (MYER) will set out the pre-Budget expenditure position. The publication of Spending Review papers, alongside the MYER, will also feed into discussions of budgetary priorities. These papers will provide an evidence base for budgetary discussions, building on the previous output of the Spending Review.

The overall aim of this process is to inform the considerations in relation to budgetary priorities, to ensure that Budget 2020 can continue to build on our economic and social progress.
