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Woodland Improvement Scheme

Dáil Éireann Debate, Wednesday - 8 May 2019

Wednesday, 8 May 2019

Questions (1137)

Jackie Cahill


1137. Deputy Jackie Cahill asked the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine the annual amount allocated and expended on the woodland improvement scheme in each year since it was established. [18486/19]

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The Woodland Improvement Scheme provides financial support to forest holders towards the cost of woodland improvement works associated with thinning of broadleaf forests and broadleaf mixtures that meet the required eligibility criteria. The scheme facilitates the enhancement of the environment associated with thinning. Thinning stimulates investment through improvement, protection and development of broadleaf woodlands for a range of functions, including: healthy tree growth, landscape improvement, biodiversity enhancement, soil protection and water protection.

Funding for this Scheme is included in the overall provision for Forestry Support Schemes. These schemes include Forest Road Works, Reconstitution Scheme, NeighbourWood and Native Woodland Conservation.

The table below shows the total provision for support schemes and the actual expenditure for WIS in each of the years. The expenditure for 2019 is to 31st March, 2019.







Support Schemes Allocation







WIS Expenditure







Questions Nos. 1138 to 1140, inclusive, answered with Question No. 1123.