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Hospitals Discharges

Dáil Éireann Debate, Wednesday - 8 May 2019

Wednesday, 8 May 2019

Questions (742)

Alan Kelly


742. Deputy Alan Kelly asked the Minister for Health his plans to deal with delayed discharges in hospitals; the volume of delayed discharges across all hospitals in each of the years 2016 to 2018, and to date in 2019; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [18887/19]

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The Independent Expert Review of Delayed Discharges review recognised that delayed discharges or transfers of care are caused by a multitude of factors and it made nine recommendations which include the development of a national policy to provide for a more consistent approach to recording delayed discharges, strengthening data collection, standardising definitions and ensuring consistent discharge guidelines.

Following the publication of the Report of the Review Group, I requested that the HSE establish an appropriate multi-disciplinary structure to progress implementation of its recommendations.

On foot of that request, the HSE has established an Implementation Group, co-chaired by officials representing the National Directors of Acute and Community Operations. I attended the Group’s first meeting last month. This Group will identify changes that can be made within the next six months and those that can be implemented over eighteen months. Shortly, I will also be establishing a Departmental oversight group to provide appropriate oversight of the HSE's implementation of the recommendations of the Review.

In relation to the statistical information sought, I have requested the Health Service Executive to respond directly to the Deputy as soon as possible.
