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Foreign Naval Vessels

Dáil Éireann Debate, Wednesday - 8 May 2019

Wednesday, 8 May 2019

Questions (83)

Clare Daly


83. Deputy Clare Daly asked the Tánaiste and Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade the way in which three Royal Navy vessels (details supplied) were authorised to conduct military exercises in Irish waters in the Dublin Fingal area on 16 April 2019; and the authorisation which was provided for same. [18687/19]

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In response to a request from the British Embassy, my Department granted permission for a visit by University Royal Naval Unit (URNU) vessels, HMS Explorer, Archer and Example, to visit Dublin, Waterford, Cork and Kinsale from Thursday 11 April to Thursday 18 April 2019.

The Ireland-UK Memorandum of Understanding on defence and security co-operation provides for bilateral engagement on exercises, training and military education.

As is the case, for all requests for ships to pay routine calls to Irish ports, my Department seeks the views of other agencies including An Garda Síochána and the Naval Service prior to permission being granted.

In seeking permission for this visit, clear assurances were received from the British Embassy that the vessels in question would not be carrying any nuclear weapons and would not engage in any military exercises while in Irish territorial waters. These conditions are imposed in line with Ireland’s longstanding policy that visiting naval vessels not carry nuclear weapons and not engage in military exercises while in Irish territorial waters.

Routine courtesy visits by naval vessels to foreign ports are a regular feature of international relations and help to further bilateral ties between friendly nations. Ships from our own Naval Service also regularly pay such visits to foreign ports. Permission was granted in this case in consideration of the deep ties of friendship between Ireland and the United Kingdom.
