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Telecommunications Services

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 28 May 2019

Tuesday, 28 May 2019

Questions (343)

Brian Stanley


343. Deputy Brian Stanley asked the Minister for Communications, Climate Action and Environment his plans to use a cable (details supplied) to benefit communities across the west of Ireland. [22286/19]

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The transatlantic subsea fibre optic cable referenced by the Deputy extends from the United States of America to Killala, County Mayo. This is privately owned infrastructure. The installation and operation of commercial telecommunications infrastructure in Ireland is undertaken by commercial companies operating in a liberalised market and I have no function in this area.

Additionally there is another fibre optic subsea cable project called Havfure/AEC-2 which will link America with Ireland (landing at Old Head Co. Mayo) and onwards to Northern Europe. This cable is expected to be ready for service in Q4 2019.

The combined Emerald Express/AEC-1 and Havfure/AEC-2 will create a resilient, ring-based infrastructure between US, Ireland and Northern Europe.

This additional security of infrastructure is welcome and supports the wider policy goals of the National Broadband Plan which is to provide access to high speed broadband to every premises in Ireland regardless of location through a combination of commercial investment and a State led intervention.
