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Animal Breeding Regulations

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 9 July 2019

Tuesday, 9 July 2019

Questions (725)

Bobby Aylward


725. Deputy Bobby Aylward asked the Minister for Rural and Community Development if the introduction of more stringent legislation to ensure that licences are not granted for the establishment of puppy farms in urban and residential areas in the interests of noise pollution affecting local communities situated in close proximity to same will be investigated; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [29817/19]

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My Department has overall policy responsibility for the Dog Breeding Establishments Act 2010. Under the Act local authorities are responsible for operational activities such as the registration, inspection and regulation of Dog Breeding Establishments, including enforcement activities.

Last year, following a public consultation process my Department published new Guidelines for Dog Breeding Establishments. These were put in place under the Dog Breeding Establishments Act 2010, and came into effect on 1 January of this year.

Sections 2.1.2. and 2.5.1. of the Guidelines refer to noise pollution in particular and outline that buildings which house dogs must not be a source of nuisance such as excessive noise from barking dogs and must be managed to ensure that the premises is not a source of noise nuisance.

It is a matter for each local authority, as the licensing authority under the DBE Act, to ensure that all premises comply with the standards set out in the Guidelines.
