I intend to publish the Report of the Independent Review Group established to examine private activity in public hospitals (the De Buitléir Report) in the coming weeks. The Deputy should note that consideration of the Report is ongoing and the Government has not yet made any decision relating to the recommendations contained therein.
Consultants holding specific contracts under the Consultants' Contract 2008 are entitled to engage in private outpatient activity outside of their public commitment. Under the terms of this employment contract, this outpatient activity must be conducted in the hospital they are contracted with and the employer (i.e the HSE or hospital) is obliged to provide the facility where this activity is conducted. As a result, private outpatient clinics may be held on the public hospital campus. Statutory and voluntary hospitals, including the new National Children's Hospital, are obliged to provide facilities for consultants holding such contracts. This position remains the case under the current legal contract framework.