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Local Authority Housing Maintenance

Dáil Éireann Debate, Thursday - 19 September 2019

Thursday, 19 September 2019

Questions (254)

Brendan Smith


254. Deputy Brendan Smith asked the Minister for Housing, Planning and Local Government if approval will issue without delay for housing projects (details supplied); and if he will make a statement on the matter. [38189/19]

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The management and maintenance of local authority housing stock, including pre-letting repairs to vacant properties, the implementation of planned maintenance programmes and carrying out of responsive repairs, are matters for each individual local authority under the Housing Act 1966.  Local authorities return vacant properties to use through their own resources, but my Department also provides some level of exchequer support under the voids programme, for properties that require significant investment prior to re-letting.    

Cavan County Council originally submitted 5 properties for inclusion in the 2019 voids programme for which funding was approved, subject to the provision of pre and post-works BER Assessments. Last week, the Council submitted a proposal seeking funding for a further 23 homes under the voids programme. This is currently being reviewed and a decision will be notified to the Council as soon as possible.

While my Department will examine further proposals that Cavan County Council is making under the voids programme, it would be of concern if there is any reduction in the Council's own budget and capacity to maintain their own stock and fund more standard re-lets. The support of Councillors to make adequate budgetary provision for this important work is a key element in ensuring that local authorities can re-let social homes as soon as possible to those on their waiting lists.
