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Departmental Correspondence

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 8 October 2019

Tuesday, 8 October 2019

Questions (176)

Alan Kelly


176. Deputy Alan Kelly asked the Minister for Business, Enterprise and Innovation if a copy of all correspondence between her office and the IDA from 2016 to 1 October 2019 will be provided. [40969/19]

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There is extensive correspondence between my office and Department with IDA Ireland.

From a practical perspective, it would not be possible to undertake a full search, retrieval and orderly compilation of this correspondence across a three-year period within the timeframe sought. Sufficient time would also be required to ensure full compliance with data protection requirements.

Details can, however, be more promptly provided on correspondence between my office and Department with the IDA regarding specific matters. If there is such a particular issue in respect of which the Deputy is seeking more information, I would of course be happy to make that available as soon as practicable.
