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Departmental Budgets

Dáil Éireann Debate, Thursday - 10 October 2019

Thursday, 10 October 2019

Questions (192)

Bernard Durkan


192. Deputy Bernard J. Durkan asked the Minister for Health the extent to which he remains satisfied that the proposed health budget for 2020 is fully capable of meeting his requirements throughout the year; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [41517/19]

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Budget 2020 sets out a budget of over €18.3 billion for health and social care services, the highest budget ever allocated. The Health budget increased by €1.2 billion on 2019, a substantial additional level of funding. The amount allocated follows an extensive process of engagement between my Department and the Department of Expenditure and Reform, which considered both the funding requirements and the fiscal position. These types of engagements are a normal part of the Budgetary process and happen with Departments across Government. All Departments put forward spending proposals but are required to operate within the amounts proposed by Government and determined by the Dáil.

The issue of health funding is a major policy challenge for both the Irish and international Governments. Despite welcome increases annually, the need for effective financial management remains crucial as the health service deals with a larger and older population, with more acute health and social care requirements, increased demand for new and existing drugs and the rising costs of health technology. The costs associated with these service pressures will increasingly need to be managed not solely through annual increased Exchequer allocations but also through improved efficiencies, productivity and value from within the funding base.

Funding is provided to the HSE for Health services in accordance with the letter of determination which sets out the approved level of overall HSE expenditure for the year in question. The determination for 2020 will issue shortly. It is the responsibility of the HSE to manage the entire budget and prepare and implement the National Service Plan which must under legislation, set out the type and volume of health and personal social services, to be provided during the year in question within the funding allocated. Both the additional funding allocated and additional value to be derived from improved efficiencies and productivity will be considered by the HSE in setting out its National Service Plan 2020.
