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Beef Industry

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 15 October 2019

Tuesday, 15 October 2019

Questions (481)

Michael Fitzmaurice


481. Deputy Michael Fitzmaurice asked the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine if the four month notice to change weight requirements for the in-spec bonus applies to Kepak in view of the decision to publish its weight penalties for the various cattle categories (details supplied); and if he will make a statement on the matter. [42020/19]

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I refer the Deputy to the text of the Agreement reached on 15 September 2019, which is availble on the DAFM website at

Specifically in relation to this issue, industry committed to 'no change in weight limits without a minimum of four months notice to the farmer'.

I have appointed Michael Dowling as independent Chair of the Taskforce, and its membership includes representatives from my Department, relevant State agencies, farm organisations and the meat industry.  The Beef Taskforce scheduled for yesterday, 14 October, was adjourned, as members of the Taskforce were prevented from attending the meeting.  It is in the interests of everyone involved in the beef industry that the work of the Taskforce goes ahead.  The Taskforce’s remit is to monitor the implementation of the actions arising from the agreement reached on 15 September and offers  the most viable platform for strategic engagement with key stakeholders.  It was a great pity that farm representatives were not in a position to air the legitimate concerns of farmers at the Taskforce.
