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Springboard Programme

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 22 October 2019

Tuesday, 22 October 2019

Questions (191)

James Browne


191. Deputy James Browne asked the Minister for Education and Skills further to Parliamentary Question Nos. 462 of 8 October 2019 and 594 of 15 October 2019, if he will include partial capacity benefit as a qualifying payment for Springboard courses which come under the responsibility of his Department (details supplied); and if he will make a statement on the matter. [43030/19]

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Springboard+ which incorporates the ICT skills conversion programme, is a targeted initiative which is used to provide funding for higher education courses aimed at meeting the need for in-demand skills in the economy.  Springboard+ supports jobseekers to return to employment and those in employment to upskill or reskill.

Springboard+ courses are open to people irrespective of their employment status.  Returners and those in receipt of certain DEASP allowances can access courses free of charge. Level 6 courses are free to all participants and for employed participants on courses NFQ level 7 – 9, 90% of the course fee will be funded by the Government, with participants required to contribute just 10% of the fee.

With regard to unemployed people and people on various DEASP allowances the DEASP has responsibility for setting down the eligibility criteria for their customers wishing to participate in Springboard+.

My Department has contacted the DEASP in relation to your query on the Partial Capacity Benefit and Springboard+ and has received the following response:

Partial Capacity Benefit (PCB) is not an eligible payment for customers undertaking an education or training course, therefore, the customer is not entitled to undertake the Springboard+ course while in receipt of this payment.

PCB has been designed to support persons in receipt of Invalidity Pension (IP) and Illness Benefit (IB) to return to work while also continuing to provide them with income support through the social welfare system.  PCB is not designed to provide income support while a person is undertaking an education or training course.

DEASP also indicated that people in receipt of IB and IP (subject to some conditionality) may be permitted to undertake/participate on training or educational programmes; however, they must seek prior written approval from the DEASP before commencing any such programme.
