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Obesity Strategy

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 22 October 2019

Tuesday, 22 October 2019

Questions (290)

James Browne


290. Deputy James Browne asked the Minister for Health the position regarding multibuy promotions and their effects on obesity levels here (details supplied); and if he will make a statement on the matter. [43034/19]

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“A Healthy Weight for Ireland”, the Obesity Policy and Action Plan (OPAP), is a cross-sectoral, whole of Government approach towards tackling the causes of obesity in Ireland.  There are many causes of obesity and none of them operate in isolation, and the same applies to measures to deal with the problem.  The OPAP recognises that interventions such as portion size control and reformulation of food and drink can have an impact on obesity.

Actions planned under the OPAP include engaging with the food industry on measures such as agreeing food industry reformulation targets and the introduction of maximum portion sizes, and a sub-group of the Obesity Policy Implementation Oversight Group is working on these measures.  Progress has already been made with the introduction of the Sugar Sweetened Drinks Tax in May 2018. These issues are all interlinked, and it is important to consider the potential impacts of any proposed measures, as well as closely monitoring the impact of such measures once they are introduced, which underlines the importance of the multi-level and co-ordinated approach of the Obesity Policy and Action Plan.

Also under the OPAP, new Healthy Eating Guidelines and a Food Pyramid have been produced, disseminated and communicated, in order to assist with eating a healthy and balanced diet.  The Pyramid recommends limited consumption of Top Shelf foods such as those high-sugar items referred to.  These foods are limited to a maximum of once or twice a week and are not needed for good health as they provide calories and very little nutrients, and can contribute to overweight and obesity.
