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Bord Bia Funding

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 22 October 2019

Tuesday, 22 October 2019

Questions (464)

Anne Rabbitte


464. Deputy Anne Rabbitte asked the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine if his attention has been drawn to the fact that Bord Bia has made an application in 2019 to secure EU funding for suckler beef promotion in key EU markets; if it has applied in the past for the same funding; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [43450/19]

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EU funding is available on a competitive basis to trade and other qualifying bodies within Member States for the generic promotion of the quality, safety, nutrition or production methods of EU agricultural products.  Its legal foundation is EU Regulation 1144/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council – “Information provision and Promotion Measures of Agricultural Products”

The EU Promotion Policy for Agri-Food Products acts as key for opening up new markets and to diversity trading partners. It aims to help the sector’s professionals to break into or consolidate international markets and to make consumers more aware of the efforts made by European farmers. A total of € 201.1 million is available for these programmes in 2020. EU co-financing rates range from 70% to 85% with the balance comprising of industry funding.  

The EU Commission establish strategic priorities (of products and destinations), an annual budget and workplan. There is an annual call for proposals, with a competitive selection procedure by experts selected by CHAFEA (The Consumers, Health, Agriculture and Food Executive Agency) - an EU executive agency. 

As part of this process, Bord Bia submitted a 3 year EU Suckler Beef Information & Promotion campaign, with a programme budget of €2.9 million. Target countries were Germany and Italy. This programme application is currently under competitive consideration by the EU Commission (CHAFEA).  The EU Decision is due in Q4 2019.

Other such promotion programmes currently under way by Bord Bia are set out in the following table.

Proposing Org




Target Markets


Total Budget

Bord Bia

Beef & Lamb


“European Beef & Lamb – Excellence in food Safety &   Sustainability”

China, Japan, Hong Kong

3 years   -

01/02/2017   – 31/01/2020


Bord Bia



Mushrooms Complement Everything

UK, Ireland

3 years – 01/02/2018-31/01/2021


Bord Bia

Pigmeat & Beef


European Pork & Beef – Excellence in Quality & Production   Standards

The Philippines, South Korea   & Vietnam

3 years – 01/04/2019-31/03/2022


Bord Bia


* Multi (Ireland, France)


Ireland, UK, France, Germany

3 years - 2018-2021


* programme under direct management by Chafea
