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Departmental Bodies Expenditure

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 22 October 2019

Tuesday, 22 October 2019

Questions (664)

Timmy Dooley


664. Deputy Timmy Dooley asked the Minister for Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht further to Parliamentary Questions Nos. 371 and 372 of 3 October 2019, the number of times in the past four years her Department has allocated additional funds to a body under its aegis for a specific purpose; the body in each case; the amount allocated in each case in proportion to its overall allocation for that year; if the additional funding was granted prior to the commencement of the financial year as part of the financial allocation to the body for that year; the rationale for the ring-fencing of such additional funding in view of the independent statutory remit of these bodies; if ring-fencing of additional funding will cease from 2020 onwards to ensure the statutory independence of bodies under the aegis of her Department is upheld; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [43476/19]

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With further reference to my response to the Deputy of 3rd October last, I wish to re-state that all allocations of funding to bodies under the aegis of my Department are made on the basis that the allocation of such funds is a matter for the board of the body concerned in accordance with its statutory obligations and remit.

Any additional allocations made to such bodies are, and will continue to be, made on foot of submissions made by, and/or discussions with, the relevant body.

As previously advised, details of funding provided to those bodies under the aegis of my Department are published annually in the Revised Estimates Volumes (REV) while information in respect of expenditure, including variations in outturns against REV allocations, are set out in the Department's Appropriation Accounts which can be found on my Department's website at .

If the Deputy requires further information in relation to the funding of the bodies under the aegis of my Department, my officials will be happy to assist him with any specific queries he may have.
