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Defective Building Materials

Dáil Éireann Debate, Wednesday - 20 November 2019

Wednesday, 20 November 2019

Questions (362)

Pearse Doherty


362. Deputy Pearse Doherty asked the Minister for Housing, Planning and Local Government the supports made available to the owners of properties in which defective blockwork has been identified and in which the property in question is a non-principal private residence; if consideration has been given to providing relief from VAT and-or other supports to owners of such properties with respect to the cost of carrying out remedial works; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [48180/19]

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Last year, the Government agreed in principle to introduce a scheme to support affected homeowners in the counties of Donegal and Mayo to carry out the necessary remediation works to dwellings that have been significantly damaged due to defective concrete blocks.

Budget 2020 provides funding of €40 million to fund  the operation of the pyrite remediation scheme and this new scheme to address the issues identified in Donegal and Mayo.

Funding for future years will be agreed on an annual basis as part of the normal Estimates process and additional funding can be provided should it be required.

The full terms and conditions of the scheme are currently being finalised in consultation with the Attorney General's Office and the Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform, including the development of the necessary regulations. 

This process takes account of the engagement that my Department is currently having with both Donegal and Mayo County Councils, who will operate and administer the scheme.

In this regard, my Department continues to meet with both local authority teams to conclude implementation arrangements for the scheme. Further engagement will take place over the coming weeks.

The aim will be to complete the outstanding work without delay in order to ensure that the scheme can get underway as early as possible.
