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Wednesday, 20 Nov 2019

Written Answers Nos. 226-246

Bord Iascaigh Mhara

Questions (226)

Pearse Doherty


226. Deputy Pearse Doherty asked the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine if a funding application has been received from Bord Iascaigh Mhara for the construction of a new sea survival centre at the National Fisheries College in Greencastle, County Donegal in 2020; and if the necessary funding as announced in 2016 will be provided. [47903/19]

View answer

Written answers

This proposed project by Bord Iascaigh Mhara (BIM) is currently under review in the wider context of the provision of existing professional sea survival training facilities within the State and the cost, both construction and operational, of such a facility. The existing professional sea survival training facilities based at the National Maritime College of Ireland, Ringaskiddy, Co Cork, are unique in Ireland and designed both for fundamental safety training and specialised survival training, to increase survival ability in emergency situations. Those purpose built facilities are available for the provision of all necessary and required training for fishermen.

At the present time, there is no provision or plans to proceed with this additional project and funding has not been requested by Bord Iascaigh Mhara for 2020, nor has it been provided, for this proposed additional facility within the State.

Departmental Expenditure

Questions (227)

Shane Cassells


227. Deputy Shane Cassells asked the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine the amount spent on purchasing mobile phones for staff within his Department for work-related business in each of the years 2016 to 2018 and to date in 2019, by grade; if his Department has a contract with a mobile phone company (details supplied) to supply mobile phones if needed; if so, the name of the company; the date on which the contract for the supply of mobile phones to his Department is next due to expire; and the robust steps taken to ensure that the costs incurred on work related phones are the best value for the taxpayer. [47913/19]

View answer

Written answers

The following table shows the costs incurred in purchasing Mobile phones by year:











The allocation of mobiles phones is not based on grade but on business requirements.

The Department has a contract with Vodafone, which runs for an initial two year period with an option to extend by up to four 12 month terms. The initial two year term ends on December 4th 2020.

The contract was awarded following the completion of a robust tendering process undertaken in conjunction with the Office of Government Procurement and under the Framework Agreement for the provision of Mobile Voice and Data Communications and Associated Products and Services. Vodafone, as the successful bidder, was deemed to have offered the Department and the taxpayer the best overall value in terms of costs, technology, support and ancillary services.

Beef Industry

Questions (228)

Eamon Scanlon


228. Deputy Eamon Scanlon asked the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine the timeline for progress of beef taskforce meetings; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [47932/19]

View answer

Written answers

As the Deputy will be aware, the inaugural Beef Taskforce meeting scheduled for 14th October was prevented from proceeding. However, since then the independent chair and my Department continue to engage proactively with Taskforce members with a view to implementing the provisions of the agreement.

My Department and its agencies continue to progress the commitments which they signed up to under the Agreement.

Departmental Staff Data

Questions (229)

Jim O'Callaghan


229. Deputy Jim O'Callaghan asked the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine the number of staff in his Department by gender and pay grade in tabular form; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [47939/19]

View answer

Written answers

The breakdown of staff in my Department by grade and gender is provided in the following table.




Administrative Officer



Advisory Counsel Grade 2



Advisory Counsel Grade 3



Agricultural Inspector



Area Superintendent



Assistant Secretary



Asst Agricultural Inspector



Asst Harbour Master



Asst Principal






Chief Analyst



Chief Inspector



Chief Veterinary Officer






Clerical Officer



Craft Worker






Deputy Chief Analyst



Deputy Chief Veterinary Officer



Director Of Laboratories



District Superintendent



Engineer Grade 1



Engineer Grade 2



Engineer Grade 3



Engineer Technician Grade 2



Executive Officer



First Assistant Solicitor



Forestry Ecologist



Forestry Inspector Grade 1



Forestry Inspector Grade 2



Forestry Inspector Grade 3



General Operative



Harbour Constable



Harbour Master



Head Of Agricultural Laboratories



Higher Executive Officer



Higher Seed Analyst



ICT Apprentice



Industrial Foreman



Inspector Grade 2



Laboratory Analyst



Laboratory Attendant






Minister's Staff






Professional Accountant



Quality Manager



Research Officer



Secretary General



Seed Analyst



Senior Inspector



Senior Laboratory Analyst



Senior Research Officer



Senior Seed Analyst



Senior Serological Assistant



Senior Superintending Veterinary Inspector



Serological Assistant



Services Staff



State Solicitor






Superintending Senior Research Officer



Superintending Veterinary Inspector



Supervising Serological Assistant



Supervisory Agricultural Officer



Technical Agricultural Officer



Veterinary Inspector



Wholetime Temporary Veterinary Inspector



Ministerial Advisers Data

Questions (230)

Fiona O'Loughlin


230. Deputy Fiona O'Loughlin asked the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine the political advisers used by Ministers and Ministers of State in his Department since the commencement of this Government; the commencement and cessation dates in each case; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [47956/19]

View answer

Written answers

The 31st Government of Ireland was formed following the appointment of Leo Varadkar TD as Taoiseach on 14 June 2017. Appointments of special advisors on or after that date are as follows:

S.I. 417 of 2017

Aine Kilroy and Jonathan Hoare appointed as special advisors to Minister Michael Creed, effective 14 June 2017 to the present date.

S.I. 24 of 2018

Ultan Waldron appointed as special advisor to Minister Michael Creed, effective 6 November 2017, until 14 September 2018.

S.I. 521 of 2018

Avril Cronin appointed as special advisor to Minister of State Andrew Doyle, effective 1 October 2018 to the present date.

Ministerial Advisers are appointed under the Appointment of Special Adviser (Minister for Agriculture, Food & the Marine) Orders. Additional information in respect of all appointments is provided to the Oireachtas at the time the appointments take place.

Beef Industry

Questions (231)

Martin Heydon


231. Deputy Martin Heydon asked the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine if, under the beef exceptional aid measure, some registered farm partnerships with more than two herd numbers can receive payments per partner while other registered farm partnerships are limited to one payment; if so, the reason therefor; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [48018/19]

View answer

Written answers

The objective of the Beef Exceptional Aid Measure (BEAM) is to provide temporary exceptional adjustment aid to farmers in the beef sector in Ireland. BEAM is funded by a combination of EU aid and Exchequer support, provided in light of the difficult circumstances that Irish beef farmers have been facing as a result of market volatility and uncertainty.

Payments under BEAM are made on the basis of eligible animals within an eligible herd rather than per individual or per partnership. Any herd that satisfies the criteria outlined in the scheme T&Cs located on the Department website at is eligible for payment at the rates specified. If a partnership has more than one herd, each herd may be entitled to payment subject to the eligibility criteria.

Areas of Natural Constraint Scheme Appeals

Questions (232)

Pat Deering


232. Deputy Pat Deering asked the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine the status of the appeals process for the ANC scheme; when those in the appeals process will receive a decision; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [48024/19]

View answer

Written answers

Under the current Rural Development Regulation (and subsequent amendments under the Omnibus Regulation), Member States were required to change the approach to the designation of land under the Areas of Natural Constraints Scheme. Previously, my Department had been identifying eligible areas using a range of socio economic indicators such as family farm income, population density, percentage of working population engaged in agriculture, and stocking density.

From 2019, eligible areas must instead be designated using the following list of bio-physical criteria:

- Low temperature

- Dryness

- Excess soil moisture

- Limited soil drainage

- Unfavourable texture and stoniness

- Shallow rooting depth

- Poor chemical properties

- Steep slope

In tandem with the process to designate relevant lands under these biophysical criteria, Member States were also required to undertake a fine tuning process. This process was required to identify areas where significant natural constraints were identified with reference to the above-listed biophysical criteria, but where objective criteria, such as arable land use or stocking density levels, would indicated that these constraints have been overcome.

Finally, Member States could also identify areas for inclusion as Areas of Specific Constraint where it is necessary for land management to be continued in order to conserve or improve the environment, to maintain the countryside, to preserve the tourist potential of the area, or to protect the coastline.

This three-phased process was a lengthy project, involving protracted technical engagements with the EU DG for Agriculture and Rural Development and the Joint Research Centre in the EU Commission. The technical process was completed in late 2018 and, at that time, further to a series of consultation meetings with key stakeholders, I published full details in relation to the outcome of the review project, which can be summarised as follows. The vast majority of land that was eligible under the existing Scheme remains eligible under the new approach. Some 700 townlands that would have previously been eligible are not eligible under the new designation. Farmers impacted financially by this change will receive a degressive phasing out payment in 2019 and 2020. Over 2,000 townlands will now be eligible under the new approach and will be eligible to receive a payment for the first time in 2019.

An independently chaired Appeals Committee was appointed to examine any requests received by my Department for a full review on the status of a townland under the 2019 ANC Scheme. This process is currently under way and it is anticipated that the process will be completed in the coming weeks.

Departmental Data

Questions (233)

Shane Cassells


233. Deputy Shane Cassells asked the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine the number of complaints of bullying and sexual harassment, respectively received by his Department in each of the years 2016 to 2018 and to date in 2019, in tabular form. [48029/19]

View answer

Written answers

The Civil Service is committed to protecting dignity and respect across the organisation and my Department implements the Civil Service wide anti-bullying, harassment and sexual harassment policy ‘Dignity at Work’. I am satisfied that the policy is being implemented effectively throughout my Department.

All staff in my Department are reminded annually of their responsibilities under the Civil Service Code of Standards and Behaviour, which includes the duty to show due respect for their colleagues at work and to abide by the Civil Service anti-bullying policy. Furthermore, all new recruits to my Department are required to familiarise themselves with both the Civil Service Code of Standards and Behaviour and the Dignity at Work policy.

From time to time, staff have raised a variety of issues regarding workplace difficulties including bullying & harassment. Issues raised are carefully considered under relevant Civil Service and Departmental policies, including in particular the Dignity at Work policy.

The following table lists the number of complaints of bullying and sexual harassment received by my Department from 2016 to present:



Sexual Harassment













Departmental Staff Data

Questions (234)

Shane Cassells


234. Deputy Shane Cassells asked the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine the number of employees of his Department that were dismissed in each of the years 2016 to 2018 and to date 2019; the reason for the dismissal of each employee; the number of employees suspended in the same period; and the reason for the suspension of each in tabular form. [48064/19]

View answer

Written answers

The following table lists the numbers of employees of my Department either dismissed or suspended from 2016 to date:

Number of employees dismissed

Number of employees suspended

2016 - Nil Dismissals

2016 - One employee suspended

2017 - Nil Dismissals

2017 - Nil suspensions

2018 - Nil Dismissals

2018 - One employee suspended

2019 - One Dismissal

2019 - One employee suspended

Given the confidential nature of disciplinary processes, and given that divulging the reasons for dismissal and/or suspension is likely to identify the person who was dismissed and/or suspended, I consider this to be personal information that is held by my Department on the understanding that it would be treated as confidential.

As such, it is not considered appropriate to furnish this aspect of the requested information.

Departmental Expenditure

Questions (235)

Barry Cowen


235. Deputy Barry Cowen asked the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine the amount spent on public relations, promotion and advertising for the National Development Plan 2018-2027 and Project Ireland 2040 since its publication in February 2018 by category (details supplied) in tabular form; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [48116/19]

View answer

Written answers

I wish to advise the Deputy that my Department has not spent any amount on public relations, promotion or advertising for the National Development Plan 2018-2027 nor the Project Ireland 2040 since its publication in February 2018.

Departmental Expenditure

Questions (236)

Jack Chambers


236. Deputy Jack Chambers asked the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine the amount spent on bottled water and disposable coffee cups by his Department to date in 2019; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [48182/19]

View answer

Written answers

In January this year, the Government approved a number of environmental initiatives by the Minister for Communications, Climate Action and Environment. It was decided that Government Departments and public bodies should lead the way in reducing generation of single use plastics and waste. This decision recognises that the public sector must demonstrate its commitment to sustainable development and use its influence to persuade others of the changes required to reduce our impact on the environment.

In this regard, the information requested by the Deputy is not readily available in respect of all the Department's locations and is currently being compiled. It will be forwarded to the Deputy as soon as possible.

The following deferred reply was received under Standing Order 42A
On 4 January this year, the Government approved a number of environmental initiatives by the Minister for Communications, Climate Action and Environment.  It was decided that Government Departments and public bodies should lead the way in reducing generation of single use plastics and waste. This decision recognises that the public sector must demonstrate its commitment to sustainable development and use its influence to persuade others of the changes required to reduce our impact on the environment.  
In line with the Government Decision my Department has ceased the use of single use plastics in all of its canteen facilities.  All stocks of plastic beverage containers, cutlery, straws etc. were used up by the end of March and they have now been replaced with either compostable or metal alternatives.  This was done in conjunction with an awareness campaign across the Department to make staff aware of the societal benefit of eliminating the use of single-use containers by replacing them with reusable containers. 
Earlier this year, my Department wrote to all state bodies under its aegis to inform them of their obligation to cease the use of single use plastic cutlery and beverage containers.   
My Department has spent €4,008.21 (excluding VAT) on water which is made available to staff through standalone water cooler units in 2019 to date. These bottles are re-used by our supplier.

Freedom of Information Data

Questions (237)

Barry Cowen


237. Deputy Barry Cowen asked the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine the date of each review and revision of the material published under the publication scheme of his Department as outlined in section 8 of the Freedom of Information Act 2014; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [48199/19]

View answer

Written answers

My Department is currently in the process of reviewing the FOI Publication Scheme for 2019.

The last full review of the FOI Publication Scheme was carried out in August 2018. Reviews were also carried out in May 2016 and November 2017.

Organic Farming Scheme Data

Questions (238)

Eamon Scanlon


238. Deputy Eamon Scanlon asked the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine the breakdown of the 2018 organic farming scheme ranking and selection criteria; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [48216/19]

View answer

Written answers

The Organic Farming Scheme (OFS) was re-opened in November 2018 on a targeted basis on foot of the recommendation of the Organic Sector Strategy Group. The Organic Sector Strategy Group included representatives from a broad range of stakeholders, among them the Farming Representative Organisations, processors and Organic Control Bodies. Following assessment by the Group and based on market demand and supply deficits in organic horticulture, cereals and dairy, the Group recommended the re-opening of the OFS targeting expenditure towards the areas in deficit. Selection criteria with revised marking which would facilitate such a targeted reopening were agreed by the Group.

Under the Organic Farming Scheme ranking and selection criteria, marks were awarded under the following criteria:

- Existing OFS participants and licensed organic operators whose contracts expired in 2013/2014/2015 (Maximum 5 marks);

- Sectoral Balance Enterprise (based on Animal Health Computer System/Basic Payment System database or as per application form - Maximum 50 marks);

- Total Conversion vs Partial Conversion as per Basic Payment System application (Maximum 10 marks);

- Large operators i.e. 1 mark for owned land and 0.5 marks for leased land ( Maximum 50 marks);

- Mixed Farms ( Maximum 10 marks).

225 applications were received by the closing date. A total of 58 applications were either withdrawn or were deemed ineligible. Following the ranking and selection process, one applicant withdrew, 55 were successful and 111 applicants received letters informing them that they had been unsuccessful.

The Deputy should be aware that the predominant farming enterprises in 95% of the unsuccessful applications were not from the targeted sectors.

Agriculture Scheme Payments

Questions (239)

Declan Breathnach


239. Deputy Declan Breathnach asked the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine if he will intervene to speed up the process of ANC and basic payment scheme applications in circumstances in which land is selected for remote sensing, that is, satellite inspection; if his attention has been drawn to the fact that a large number of applicants are awaiting payment due to a delay in carrying out the inspections; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [48218/19]

View answer

Written answers

EU regulations governing the administration of the Basic Payment Scheme, the Areas of Natural Constraints Scheme and other area-based schemes require that full and comprehensive administrative checks, including Ground or Remote Sensing (Satellite) inspections where applicable, are fully completed to ensure eligibility with the various schemes requirements before any payments issue. There are certain minimum numbers of inspections that must take place annually under the various schemes.

It is important to note that in many cases, the existence of an inspection will not necessarily be delaying payment. In relation to the ANC Scheme, this scheme is subject to a range of eligibility and compliance criteria such as the requirement to meet a minimum stocking density, in addition to maintaining minimum livestock units calculated over the twelve months of the scheme year. At this stage, a number of farmers are not eligible to receive payment as they have not met scheme-specific criteria. When an applicant meets these criteria they will become eligible for payment, which will be processed promptly. Factors that may impact on payment issuing under BPS include, for example, applications to transfer entitlements, change in ownership request etc., and officials in my Department are actively processing such cases.

Some 6,800 applicants have been selected for a Remote Sensing inspection in respect of the various 2019 area-based schemes. As of 19th November, inspections results have been received for some 90% of these inspections, of which 97% have been advanced to payment stage processing. The balance of these cases fall into a number of categories, namely, applicants have been notified of the inspection outcome where an area over-declaration has been identified and a response is awaited; applicants have chosen to submit comments on notified inspection outcomes and these are currently being examined and cases are subject to final processing. The balance of the inspection results are currently being finalised and will be advanced through the final stages of processing promptly.

My Department continues to finalise the outcome of Remote Sensing inspections on a daily basis to ensure that BPS and ANC Schemes payments due are issued as quickly as possible.

Agriculture Scheme Appeals

Questions (240)

Brendan Griffin


240. Deputy Brendan Griffin asked the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine his views on the case of a person (details supplied); and if he will make a statement on the matter. [48222/19]

View answer

Written answers

The Agriculture Appeals Office operates independently of my Department.

The Agriculture Appeals Act provides that an Appeals Officer's decision may be revised by an Appeals Officer if it appears to him or her that the decision was erroneous in the light of new evidence or of new facts brought to his or her notice since the date on which it was given or if it appears to him or her that there has been any relevant change of circumstances since the decision was given. The Act also provides that the Director may revise any decision of an appeals officer, if it appears to him or her that the decision was erroneous by reason of some mistake having been made in relation to the law or the facts.

I have been advised by the Agriculture Appeals Office that the request for a review of the Appeals Officer's decision for the person named was received in March 2019 and that additional information was received on 1 November 2019.

I am advised that every effort is being made to finalise the review of the case as soon as possible. Requests for review are generally dealt with in order of receipt. A number of requests for reviews were received prior to the request concerned.

GLAS Appeals

Questions (241)

Niamh Smyth


241. Deputy Niamh Smyth asked the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine the status of an appeal (details supplied); if this process can be expedited; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [48234/19]

View answer

Written answers

The person named was approved into the GLAS 1 scheme with a contract commencement date of 1 October 2015 and received payment for scheme years 2015 and 2016.

The GLAS application was terminated on 9 January 2018 for non-compliance with the scheme requirements in relation to the Wild Bird Cover action that gained the applicant priority access to the scheme as a Tier 2 applicant. As this issue relates to a 2017 BPS application, an inspection at this stage could not verify the position in 2017.

The case was examined under the Department’s internal review procedures and subsequently by the independent Agriculture Appeals Office (AAO), which did not find in favour of the applicant. The AAO notified the applicant of their decision on 23 July 2018 and made the applicant aware of the option of contacting the Office of the Ombudsman should they remain dissatisfied.

Departmental Expenditure

Questions (242)

Barry Cowen


242. Deputy Barry Cowen asked the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine the amount spent on public relations, promotion and advertising, including multimedia, in his Department in each of the years 2016 to 2018 and to date in 2019 (details supplied) in tabular form; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [48238/19]

View answer

Written answers

The vast bulk of my Department's Communications Budget is spent on advertising in respect of press notices in the specialised farming press, provincial and national newspapers. This expenditure set out below includes the publication of Statutory Notices that are required to comply with various national and EU legislative requirements. Decisions on the placement of notices are made on a case-by-case basis, depending on the nature of the advertisement and the target audience.


Agri-Food and Forest Research

Rural Development Programme

Consultation:Draft Fisheries Natura Plan for Dundalk Bay 2016-2020


Draft Mitigation Response Plan for scallop fishery off Wexford Coast


Draft Fisheries Natura Plan for Castlemaine Harbour 2016 - 2026

BPS Online applications information campaign

Requirements for the suckler farmer of the Beef Data and Genomics Programme

Fishing Opportunities for 2017

Review of Replacement Capacity Requirements under Sea Fishing Boat Licensing Policy

2016 North West Herring Scientific Quota

Scheme Funding available from Department

Ongoing promotion of forestry

Miscellaneous Public Notices

Statutory Notices

Total expenditure €312,021


Farm Safety Promotion

Sheep Clean Livestock Policy

Food Wise 2017 Conference

Green Low-Carbon Agri-Environment (GLAS) Scheme radio advert encouraging participants to submit their Nutrient Management Plan

Rural Development Programme

Consultation: Management of Velvet Crab

Independent Aquaculture Licensing Review

BPS Online applications information campaign

Fishing Opportunities for 2018

Consultation on amendment to Statutory Instrument 621 of 2011 – Fisheries (Amendment) Act 1997 (Prescribed Organisations for the Aquaculture Licences Appeals Board) Regulations 2011.

Consultation on amendment to Statutory Instrument 621 of 2011 – Fisheries (Amendment) Act 1997 (Prescribed Organisations for the Aquaculture Licences Appeals Board) Regulations 2011.

Review of Mackerel Allocation Policy between the Fleet segments (2017)

Dog Welfare radio campaign

Avian Influenza information campaign

Scheme Funding available from Department

Quota Balancing for Pelagic Stocks (2017)

Ongoing Promotion of forestry

BPS online applications clinics advert (online)

Invitation to become an organic demonstration farm (online)

FAS training on CAP and GLAS (online)

Advice note for Backyard flock owners (online)

Engineer grade III (Civil) recruitment advert (online)

Farm Hazardous Waste Advert (online)

Miscellaneous Public Notices

Statutory Notices

Total expenditure €552,406


Agri-Food and Forest Research

Sheep Clean Livestock Policy

Rural Development Programme

Consultation:Proposal for conservation measures for Brown CrabConsultation:Proposal to Increase the MnCRS for Razor Clam in the North Irish Sea

Consultation:Draft Fishery Natura Plan for Irish Sea Mussel Seed Fishery for the years 2018-2023

BPS Online applications information campaign

Trawling Activity inside the 6 nautical mile zone

Ongoing Promotion of forestry

Woodland Environment Fund

Forest Fire Awareness

Sector Expert Profile on

TB Cleansing & Disinfection information video

Miscellaneous Public Notices

Statutory Notices

Total expenditure €288,186


Fisheries public information notices

Nitrates deadline

Forestry print and radio advertising

Promotion of EU Agricultural Products-Proposals

Notices of appointments

BPS Clinics

Getting Brexit Ready advertising campaign (print and online)

Recruitment advertisements (print and online)

Advertisements regarding DAFM’s online services

A to Z of Climate Action booklet

Public Consultation Draft Climate Change Sectoral Adaptation plan

Future Growth Loan Scheme advertisement

Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) information campaign

African Swine Fever (ASF) awareness campaign creative design

Promotional material for ploughing championships

Filming costs for Woodland Environment Fund promotional video

Irish Vet Journal Articles

Press conference climate adaptation

Press conference Agri-food strategy / steps to success

Notices of Ministerial decisions

Miscellaneous Public Notices

Statutory Notices

Total expenditure €260,283.92

Aviation Industry

Questions (243, 244, 245, 246)

David Cullinane


243. Deputy David Cullinane asked the Minister for Communications, Climate Action and Environment the aircraft carriers for which Ireland is the administrating member state under the ETS; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [48013/19]

View answer

David Cullinane


244. Deputy David Cullinane asked the Minister for Communications, Climate Action and Environment if the carbon emissions of aircraft carriers registered here are included in the carbon emission total figures for the State; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [48014/19]

View answer

David Cullinane


245. Deputy David Cullinane asked the Minister for Communications, Climate Action and Environment the annual carbon emissions of each of the aircraft carriers registered here in each of the years 2008 to 2017, in tabular form; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [48015/19]

View answer

David Cullinane


246. Deputy David Cullinane asked the Minister for Communications, Climate Action and Environment the air carriers registered here that fall and do not fall under ETS in tabular form; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [48050/19]

View answer

Written answers

I propose to take Questions Nos. 243 to 246, inclusive, together.

The European Commission publishes an annual list of aircraft operators attributed to each EU Member State. The list for 2019 can be found here:

The European Commission also publishes a “Verified Emissions” report each year which details the aircraft operators registered in each Member State that fall and do not fall under the ETS. These annual "Verified Emissions" reports are listed at All aircraft operators are listed under the activity code “10”. Operators that are marked as “excluded” are not included under the ETS. The latest report gives annual CO2 emissions for each aircraft operator for the years 2012-2018. Aviation data for individual operators is available for 2012-2018 only.

All fuel used and associated emissions by aircraft (non-military) departing from an Irish aerodrome and arriving at the same or another Irish aerodrome are reported in Ireland’s GHG inventories under Domestic Aviation. All other fuel sold, and the associated emissions for international aviation, are reported in Ireland’s GHG inventory under "Memo items" and are not included in national totals under the UNFCCC or the EU Effort Sharing Decision commitments.
