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Coastal Protection

Dáil Éireann Debate, Thursday - 5 March 2020

Thursday, 5 March 2020

Questions (117)

Fergus O'Dowd


117. Deputy Fergus O'Dowd asked the Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform his plans for future coastal works required at Mornington, Bettystown and Laytown; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [2779/20]

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I am advised that, in the first instance, the management of problems of coastal protection in the area indicated remains a matter for Meath County Council. The Council may carry out coastal protection works using its own resources, but where necessary, the Council may also put forward proposals to the relevant central Government Departments, including the OPW, for funding of appropriate measures depending on the infrastructure or assets under threat.

Following the severe storms of Winter 2013/2014 and on foot of submissions made by the Local Authority, total funding of €126,792 was allocated by the OPW to Meath County Council for the repair of damaged coastal protection infrastructure. The Council has confirmed that the works at Laytown, including the replacement of gabions/rock armour revetment sea defence systems were carried out using this funding. This, however, was a once off allocation and no further funding is available under this stream.

It is, however, open to Meath County Council to apply for funding under the Office of Public Works’ (OPW) Minor Flood Mitigation Works and Coastal Protection Scheme, under which applications for funding from Local Authorities are considered for measures costing not more than €750,000 in each instance.  Funding of up to 90% of the cost is available for projects that meet the eligibility criteria, including a requirement that the proposed measures are cost beneficial.
