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Enterprise Support Services Provision

Dáil Éireann Debate, Thursday - 5 March 2020

Thursday, 5 March 2020

Questions (459)

Robert Troy


459. Deputy Robert Troy asked the Minister for Business, Enterprise and Innovation the advisory support available from her Department and State agencies under her remit with respect to contingency planning for business interruptions from Covid-19. [3676/20]

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My Department is working on various supports and providing inputs on a range of contingencies and guidance in the event of business interruptions from COVID-19, including:

- dealing with possible business impacts, including on supply chains.  My Department and the development agencies, Enterprise Ireland, IDA Ireland and the Local Enterprise Offices are actively assessing and working with impacted firms, both in overseas markets and in manufacturing businesses here;

- updating advice to business on Continuity Planning which includes a practical checklist as well as links to relevant COVID-19 advice and this was published on my Department’s website and also promoted by business representative bodies to their members and will help companies to assess risk and consider preparatory actions to respond to the virus;

- engaging with business representative bodies, including the retail and grocery sector;

- supports for companies impacted particularly as regards access to short term working capital, including promoting the SBCI Working Capital scheme in place for Brexit, the Credit Guarantee Scheme and MicroFinance Ireland as immediate measures;

- supports that might be needed for firms and workers experiencing trading difficulties.

My Department is also engaged with the Department of Employment and Social Protection to ensure that our joint-Intreo and Development Agency First Responder approach in each region is ready to work with impacted firms, with the objective of avoiding mass lay-offs and buying time for firms to work through the short-term disruptions.

With regards to advice to employers and employees, the Workplace Relations Commission has published a Covid-19: Guidance notice for employers and employees on its website.
