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Departmental Offices

Dáil Éireann Debate, Wednesday - 13 May 2020

Wednesday, 13 May 2020

Questions (1212)

Peter Burke


1212. Deputy Peter Burke asked the Minister for Employment Affairs and Social Protection if there are vacancies in the offices of her Department at a location (details supplied); and if she will make a statement on the matter. [5497/20]

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My Department, like all Government departments and agencies is required to operate within a staff ceiling figure and a commensurate administrative staffing budget, which for this Department has involved reductions in staff numbers.

The staffing needs for all areas within the Department are continuously reviewed, taking account of workloads, management priorities and the ongoing need to respond to new demands across a wide range of services. This is to ensure that the best use is made of available resources with a view to providing an efficient service to those who rely on the schemes operated by the Department.

There are a number of vacancies my Department's office in Longford at the CO grade. I am advised that there are currently no vacancies in the Department’s offices in Westmeath.

In accordance with the Civil Service Mobility Scheme approved posts at Clerical Officer level are filled by a mixture of recruitment via the Public Appointments Service and transfer/mobility of existing civil servants. In order to be deemed eligible for mobility, in addition to satisfying attendance and performance criteria, an officer must have served for a minimum period of 2 years in their current grade in their current location and Department. The mobility lists are maintained strictly in date of application order and the Department has no discretion to deviate from the order of the lists.

The individual in question is currently number 13 on the mobility list for my Department’s office in Longford having applied on 27.08.2018 and is number 30 on the mobility list for Athlone having applied on 23.06.2019.

You may wish to note that the Civil Service Mobility Scheme has been temporarily suspended owing to the COVID-19 pandemic.
