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Just Transition Commissioner

Dáil Éireann Debate, Wednesday - 13 May 2020

Wednesday, 13 May 2020

Questions (998)

Bríd Smith


998. Deputy Bríd Smith asked the Minister for Communications, Climate Action and Environment if he is satisfied with the resourcing of the office of the Just Transition Commissioner and team in terms of finance, budget and staffing; his views on whether the role which is part-time should be full-time; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [4861/20]

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The Government has appointed Mr Kieran Mulvey as the Just Transition Commissioner on a non-statutory basis to facilitate discussions and work with stakeholders to develop, mobilise and deliver opportunities for the midlands for both the workers directly affected and the wider community. I have asked the commissioner to engage with all relevant stakeholders, including local community organisations, Bord na Móna, ESB, the Midlands Transition Team, Local Authorities, public representatives, and relevant trade unions and workers' representatives.  

The Commissioner will report to Government through me and I have asked him to consider specifically a number of matters in framing his recommendations including: the delivery of the just transition measures provided for in budget 2020; the optimal structures or processes to support co-ordinated and effective delivery, including developing liaison channels between institutions in the region and central Government; the implementation of other actions underway, or planned, by Departments and Agencies that could assist in the just transition; and any additional actions or measures that he considers appropriate for Government consideration.  

The Commissioner has also been invited to take account of relevant existing plans and programmes such as the Regional Enterprise Plan for the Midlands.  

The Commissioner is undertaking his work on a part time basis, with administrative support provided by my Department. The Commissioner is also being supported in his engagements with stakeholders in the Midlands, as required, by the secretariat to the existing Midlands Regional Transition Team.  I intend to further consider these arrangements following receipt of the Commissioner’s first report and in the context of the envisaged ongoing role for the Commissioner in relation to just transition in the Midlands.  

The Government has committed significant resources in 2020, through allocating a portion of the additional carbon tax revenue to be raised on foot of Budget 2020, to measures to support the delivery of an effective just transition for the Midlands. This includes €20 million for a new energy efficiency retrofitting scheme to be focused on the Midlands, €5 million for peatland rehabilitation outside of the Bord na Móna estate, and €11 million for a dedicated new just transition fund (with €6 million coming from the exchequer and €5m coming from ESB in 2020). The Government is also seeking to repurpose the public service obligation, or PSO, to support a much higher level of bog restoration on Bord na Móna bogs and to provide for a continued role for existing Bord na Móna workers on these bogs.
