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Vehicle Testing

Dáil Éireann Debate, Wednesday - 20 May 2020

Wednesday, 20 May 2020

Questions (1037)

Pearse Doherty


1037. Deputy Pearse Doherty asked the Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport the number of NCT tests due between 1 and 28 March 2020 but were unable to take place due to no available dates for testing before 28 March 2020. [6592/20]

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Under the Road Safety Authority Act 2006 (Conferral of Functions) Order 2006 (S.I. No.477 of 2006) the Road Safety Authority (RSA) is the body responsible for the operation of periodic roadworthiness testing in the State.  Accordingly, I have forwarded your query to the RSA as it relates to an operational matter.

A referred reply was forwarded to the Deputy under Standing Order 51.