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Offshore Islands

Dáil Éireann Debate, Wednesday - 3 June 2020

Wednesday, 3 June 2020

Questions (1266)

Michael Healy-Rae


1266. Deputy Michael Healy-Rae asked the Minister for Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht if she will address a matter regarding travel to offshore islands (details supplied); and if she will make a statement on the matter. [8431/20]

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As a response to the threat that the COVID-19 virus poses to island communities, this Government has placed travel restrictions on all of the off-shore islands of this State. Currently only island residents and those providing essential services are permitted to travel to the islands.  This action was taken in response to requests from island communities and the advice of the relevant health authorities. 

My Department has worked closely with island representative groups and ferry operators in order to implement reduced ferry schedules serving the islands on a temporary basis.  This was done to properly protect both island communities and those working on their life-line transport services during the current pandemic.  These services will be fully restored in due course in accordance with best practice, following consultation with island communities and the relevant health authorities.

The re-opening of the islands to the general public is scheduled for phase 5 of the National Roadmap. While Government recognises the importance of tourism to the economy of the islands, the well-being of island residents and the operators of lifeline services to these islands must be given priority at this time.  Notwithstanding this if a reasonable request to reopen the islands earlier than Stage 5 of the National Plan were to come from the island communities through their representative body I would be willing to bring same to the appropriate authorities for consideration. My Department continues to engage with island communities through their representative body.
