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Wage Subsidy Scheme

Dáil Éireann Debate, Wednesday - 3 June 2020

Wednesday, 3 June 2020

Questions (138)

Michael McGrath


138. Deputy Michael McGrath asked the Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform if the cost of the temporary wage subsidy scheme falls under the Department of Employment Affairs and Social Protection Vote; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [9737/20]

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The Temporary Wage Subsidy Scheme (TWSS) is the responsibility of the Income Tax side of my Department and the TWSS is administered by Revenue. As at 28 May, Revenue report that the cumulative value of payments made under the scheme is €1,132 million. This is to be met from the Department of Employment Affairs and Social Protection Vote. Separate to payments under the TWSS, Revenue report that some €112  million in Income Tax paid has been refunded over the same time. Please note that this would have been refunded whether the TWSS existed or not.

There are now over 57,200 employers registered with Revenue for the TWSS. Over 50,500 employers have already received subsidy payments under TWSS. Over 495,100 employees have received a subsidy since the start of the Scheme, 250,600 employees received a subsidy in the last week and 410,000 employees are currently being supported by the Scheme having received a subsidy in their most recent pay period. On 28 May, Revenue has generated further subsidy payments under the scheme worth over €63 million. These payments will be in the bank accounts of the majority of the respective employers by the next banking day.
