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Taxi Regulations

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 16 June 2020

Tuesday, 16 June 2020

Questions (886)

Mary Lou McDonald


886. Deputy Mary Lou McDonald asked the Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport if he will arrange a stand-alone meeting with the representative bodies of the taxi industry in advance of the next meeting of the Taxi Advisory Committee. [11575/20]

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I have arranged to meet the Advisory Committee on Small Public Service Vehicles, sometimes known as the Taxi Advisory Committee, at its next scheduled meeting, later this month.  The Committee has a statutory remit, and its role under Section 73 of the Taxi Regulation Act 2013 is to advise the Minister for Transport, Toursim and Sport in relation to issues relevant to small public service vehicles and their drivers.  The views of the taxi industry are well represented on that Committee through multiple Committee members with representative functions and backgrounds and experience in the sector.  Indeed, the legislation specifically stipulates that membership of the Committee is to include a number of persons "representing small public service vehicle and driver interests".  I am not intending to meet separately with the industry representative bodies prior to the Advisory Committee meeting.  However, I can assure the Deputy that I am aware of and briefed on the relevant issues of interest to the industry, and I am looking forward to the discussion soon at the Advisory Committee.
