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Local Authority Housing

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 21 July 2020

Tuesday, 21 July 2020

Questions (273)

Bernard Durkan


273. Deputy Bernard J. Durkan asked the Minister for Housing, Planning and Local Government the extent to which he expects to pursue policies likely to encourage the provision of a major local authority housing building programme thereby achieving enhanced value for money through increased access to affordable housing; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [17447/20]

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This Government, and I, are absolutely committed to ensuring that affordable, quality housing solutions are available to everyone in Irish society and this is reflected in the Programme for Government - Our Shared Future.

The Programme for Government commits to ensuring that local authorities are central to delivering housing. This Government will increase the social housing stock by over 50,000 over the next five years, with an emphasis on new builds. It will also put affordability at the heart of the housing system through the progression of State-backed affordable housing. Affordable Purchase and Cost Rental homes will be delivered on State and public lands through a number of channels including by local authorities and the Land Development Agency. The delivery of affordable homes by local authorities will be supported via the €310m Services Sites Fund which is available within my Department. This fund targets those areas where affordability has been identified as an issue and provides facilitating infrastructure thereby sub-venting the end cost of homes on local authority sites.

Since taking up Office, I have established two High Level Taskforces involving key stakeholders to ensure that the delivery of homelessness services and social housing are prioritised this year, recognising the impact of Covid-19.

In terms of affordable housing, I will outline my detailed plans in the Autumn, taking account of the progress made under the Serviced Site Fund and other existing measures. In this context, I am consulting with key stakeholders to examine and identify potential options for the acceleration and expansion of the delivery of affordable housing.
