As the Deputy is aware, following a Cabinet meeting on Tuesday 18 August, 2020 the Government decided to implement a number of enhanced public health measures in an effort to stop the spread of COVID-19.
These measures were introduced in response to an increase in the number of cases in recent weeks, with multiple outbreaks across workplaces, households, and in sports clubs. Internationally we have also seen a significant acceleration in the spread of COVID-19.
The measures introduced were required to protect the vulnerable in our communities, enable schools to reopen and support the resumption of health services.
As the Deputy will no doubt appreciate I am not in a position to comment on individual cases or outbreaks in order to protect the privacy and confidentiality of those involved.
The Departments of Public Health within the Health Service Executive (HSE) respond to notified cases or outbreaks of Covid-19. A risk assessment of the situation is carried out and appropriate investigations are undertaken and control measures put in place. If Public Health determines there is an outbreak, an Outbreak Control Team is convened who would then advise on control measures.
I would like to also draw the Deputy's attention to the “Return to Work Safely Protocol - COVID-19 Specific National Protocol for Employers and Workers” which was published on 9 May, 2020 by the Minister for Business, Enterprise and Innovation. It provides clear guidance to employers and to workers on the measures that must be taken to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in the workplace.
The Protocol is mandatory, and it applies to all workplaces right across the economy.
Specific sectors may need to introduce additional safeguards, but this document sets out the standard set of measures to provide protection against the threat of COVID-19. It is a matter for the employer to make decisions relating to actions to be taken in the event of an outbreak of COVID-19 in a workplace. This should be described in the COVID-19 Response Plan to be developed by all employers and which is a requirement of the Protocol. In addition, the relevant HSE department of public health HSE will also be available to assist and advise employers as to the appropriate steps that should be taken if such an outbreak occurs, given the particular circumstances of the site in question.
The Health and Safety Authority (HSA) is tasked with providing advice and support to employers and employees on what and how COVID-19 measures are applied in the workplace. Guidance on the Protocol should be sought from the HSA Helpline which can be contacted at 1890 289 389 or
The Deputy may also wish to note that the Health Protection Surveillance Centre (HPSC) has published a range of guidance on COVID-19 documents for contractors, employers and employees. These guidance documents are available on the HPSC website at
Public health advice in operation at a point in time is available on the Government website at