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Direct Provision System

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 8 September 2020

Tuesday, 8 September 2020

Questions (40)

Richard Boyd Barrett


40. Deputy Richard Boyd Barrett asked the Minister for Children, Disability, Equality and Integration his views on whether the model of accommodation for asylum seekers leads to a well-integrated society; if not, his plans for alternative models in view of the recent death by suicide in a direct provision centre in Carrickmacross, County Monaghan; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [22332/20]

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At the outset, although it would not be appropriate for me to comment on the detail of an individual case, I would like to take this opportunity to express my deep sympathy to the family and friends of Mohammed Arif Ahrar, and to the wider Afghan community in Ireland.

The tragic death of a person who comes to this country seeking our protection is something on which we should all reflect.

As the Deputy will appreciate, responsibility for Direct Provision currently lies with my colleague the Minister for Justice. Work on the transfer to my Department is at an advanced stage and we hope to have completed the full transfer in early October.

The Programme for Government is clear that the current model of Direct Provision has to go. We have to look closely at what kind of supports should be provided to people going through the system, the speed with which we can make a decision on their application, and how we transition successful asylum claimants to living independently in the community once they have passed through.

Deputies will be aware that the Expert Group on Direct Provision chaired by Dr Catherine Day is due to submit its final report to both myself and Minister McEntee very shortly.

This report will make recommendations concerning the whole architecture of Direct Provision, and following receipt of the report, I and my officials will start intensive work on progressing a White Paper that will set out the direction to what kind of asylum accommodation system we will be moving to in the coming years.

We rightly have a reputation around the world as a compassionate nation and fundamentally I want to ensure it’s that compassion and understanding of complex needs that is put at the heart of our reception and accommodation system. The first step will be getting the policy objectives right in the White Paper which we hope to have published by December.
