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International Students

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 8 September 2020

Tuesday, 8 September 2020

Questions (864)

Róisín Shortall


864. Deputy Róisín Shortall asked the Minister for Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science the number of overseas students that have enrolled in Irish universities for the autumn term; the provisions in place to ensure that students coming from abroad adhere to the two-week self-isolation period; the person or body responsible for overseeing these provisions and monitoring students’ compliance; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [21787/20]

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Incoming international students are a matter for each institution. However, the sector has advised it has adopted a set of principles to manage the process of international students including managed arrivals at the airport and restricted movements for 14 days.

The higher education sector has developed a protocol of assurance, to support the protection of public health, to safely manage the process of all international students coming to Ireland. All 35 public and private Higher Education Institutions who intend on bringing international students into Ireland for the next academic year have signed up to a set of key principles contained in the protocol, at leadership level, and have agreed that they will not bring in students unless they are satisfied that they have assurance regarding the procedures they have in place.

The key principles contained in the protocol include provisions regarding:

- Pre-departure symptom tracking by students;

- Pre-departure briefing on public health issues for students;

- Managed arrival in airports, and transport to be provided to student accommodation so that incoming students do not have to take public ransport;

- Accommodation arrangements for students which allow for 14 day restriction of movement;

- Symptom tracking of students for the 14 day period after arrival in Ireland;

- Robust procedures and protocols that will be employed in the event of someone becoming symptomatic and testing positive during the 14 day period.

The Department of Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science has also put in place an implementation and compliance framework, to ensure that the HEIs are in compliance with the agreed protocol. This has also been agreed by the senior leadership team in the HEIs and is reported on to the department weekly.
